• Shavana Putri Kirana Universitas Dr. Soetomo
  • Rudy Santosa Universitas Dr. Soetomo
  • Adhi Muhtadi Universitas Dr. Soetomo
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Keywords: suroboyo bus, load factor, headway, kinerja operasional


Suroboyo Bus is a public transportation company operating in the city of Surabaya, East Java. Founded in 2018, Suroboyo Bus aims to provide comfortable, safe and affordable transportation services for local residents and visitors to the city of Surabaya. The negative impact of increased movement is the emergence of traffic jams due to the dominant use of private vehicles. The Surabaya city government and the Ministry of Transportation worked together to produce the Suroboyo Bus as a solution to overcome traffic jams. Since the initial inauguration, bus operational conditions have not yet reached optimal performance. The aim of this research is to determine and evaluate the results of bus operational performance based on the SK.687/AJ206/DRJD/2002 guidelines. The method used is quantitative descriptive, namely collecting data in the field using dynamic surveys. The dynamic survey produces data on bus carrying capacity, number of passengers, travel time, stopping time, speed, headway and bus facilities. The results of the Suroboyo bus performance analysis based on the total bus carrying capacity is 67 people. In terms of load factor, the average Purabaya Rajawali PP is 0.55 on holidays and 0.69 on weekdays. The average travel time is 55 minutes, the bus travel speed is 25 km. / hour, the average headway of bus departures is 19 minutes, There are 2 operational study indicators that do not meet the standards, namely the load factor because people tend to use private vehicles and the headway which is sometimes long at certain hours because buses still use public lanes as their operating routes.


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How to Cite
Shavana Putri Kirana, Rudy Santosa, & Adhi Muhtadi. (2024). EVALUASI KINERJA SUROBOYO BUS RUTE PURABAYA – RAJAWALI (PP): PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE SUROBOYO BUS ROUTE PURABAYA – RAJAWALI (PP). CONCRETE: Construction and Civil Integration Technology, 2(01), 78-83. https://doi.org/10.25139/concrete.v2i01.7659