• Lestari Setyowati
Abstract views: 908 , PDF downloads: 661
Keywords: authentic materials; foreign language; writing


Not many foreign language (FL) writing teachers/lecturers are interested in using authentic materials. However, when selected carefully, authenic materials can become a powerful tool for learning to write. This paper is intended to describe why FL writing teachers/ lecturers should utilize authentic materials for teaching writing, and how to do it for classroom teaching. This paper is written based on the writer’s personal experience in using authentic materials during her teaching of writing for university level. Several reasons for using authentic materials for teaching writing are 1) these type of materials can serve as a bridge which connect what is learnt in the classroom and what can be found outside the classroom; 2) many of authentic materials are interesting and motivating for teaching and learning process; and 3) it can trigger autonomous learning as they are available everywhere, both printed and electronically. To be used for FL writing, three phases teaching can be elaborated in the classroom, namely pre-activity for the preparation of background knowledge, whilst activity, and post activity. Using authentic materials for EFL writing is very beneficial for foreign language learners because it trains not only their language skills, but also their critical thinking skills.

Author Biography

Lestari Setyowati

Not many foreign language (FL) writing teachers/lecturers are interested in using authentic materials. However, when selected carefully, authenic materials can become a powerful tool for learning to write. This paper is intended to describe why FL writing teachers/ lecturers should utilize authentic materials for teaching writing, and how to do it for classroom teaching. This paper is written based on the writer’s personal experience in using authentic materials during her teaching of writing for university level. Several reasons for using authentic materials for teaching writing are 1) these type of materials can serve as a bridge which connect what is learnt in the classroom and what can be found outside the classroom; 2) many of authentic materials are interesting and motivating for teaching and learning process; and 3) it can trigger autonomous learning as they are available everywhere, both printed and electronically. To be used for FL writing, three phases teaching can be elaborated in the classroom, namely pre-activity for the preparation of background knowledge, whilst activity, and post activity. Using authentic materials for EFL writing is very beneficial for foreign language learners because it trains not only their language skills, but also their critical thinking skills.
