Gender in Arab literature: Between Feminism, Western Prejudices and Repackaging

  • Du’a Ahmad Nahrawi
Abstract views: 46 , PDF downloads: 44


Gender parity has become a controversial issue in Middle Eastern countries where many
outsiders give Arab and/or Muslim women a stereotyped collective image. Arab and/or
Muslim women are portrayed as either women oppressed by males and/or society and the
norms that prevail or more recently influenced by feminism. Therefore, many Arab writers
r e c o g n i z e the importance of telling their own stories as a type of narrative
intervention, an antidote to the lies and misconceptions about their lives. It is the
significance of this research to show those type of narrative intervention. The research
applied descriptive qualitative design and the Arab feminist theory proposed by Nawal
Saadawi and Raidah Al-Ramadan. The research findings indicate that female protagonist
is concerned with fighting patriarchy, colonialism, and middle-class family values. Women
are also represented as fugitives who fight for their rights and freedom.
Key words: Feminism, Gender, Repackaging, Western Prejudices
