Proceeding of International Seminar Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Literature <p>Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Literature (ECKLL) was firstly held by Faculty of Letters - Dr. Soetomo University - Surabaya - Indonesia in 2013. It is an annual international seminar on language, literature, culture, and education held to gather and empower researchers, practitioners, teachers, and students to identify and share various current issues in language, literature, culture, and education affairs. ECKLL International Seminar is known for its informal setting, which encourages participation in a stimulating and wide-ranging discussion to enrich the perspective both theoretically and practically on the latest issues of the given topics related to the provided general themes. Therefore, ECKLL provides references for researches and studies in its proceeding.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Faculty of Letters, Dr. Soetomo University en-US Proceeding of International Seminar Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Literature 2985-5586 Abbreviation in Indonesian Language <p>Conclusion<br>From the data and the analysis, it can be concluded that:<br>1. From its form, abbreviation can be found in many forms and its process.<br>2. From its pattern, there is a pattern that is consistent while the others are not.<br>3. From its function, abbreviation has some functions that is to use reduce the ling words and make the word easier smaller to pronounce , avoid boredom, coin word and humors.<br>Abbreviation and acronym are topics that are very interesting to be discussed because there are still some aspects that are still not studied further.</p> Umi Kulsum Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 1 11 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7694 Green Hrm: Enhancing Organizational Sustainability through Employee Engagement and Eco-Friendly Practices <p>The term "Green Human Resource Management" (Green HRM) predominantly signifies the pivotal role of HRM policies and practices in advancing the broader corporate environmental agenda. It encompasses leveraging every employee as a proponent of sustainable practices while concurrently fostering heightened awareness and commitment to sustainability. Green HRM is operationally defined as the implementation of environmentally friendly HR initiatives that culminate in heightened organizational efficiency, reduced costs, and elevated levels of employee engagement. This paradigm embraces various green activities, such as video recruitment, online and video interviews, electronic reporting, car sharing, job sharing, teleconferencing, virtual interviews, recycling programs, remote work policies, online training, and the optimization of energy- efficient office spaces. The adoption of Green HR initiatives not only facilitates cost reduction but also contributes to the retention of top talent within organizations. Positioning Green HRM as a strategic initiative underscores its role in promoting sustainable business practices. The cultivation of a green culture is posited as a powerful influence on employee behavior, instilling values that contribute to the development of an internal culture aligned with environmental stewardship. It is posited that such environmentally conscious behavior is instrumental in establishing a culture of Green Human Resource Management and the adoption of formal environmental strategies. The integration of Green HR practices into HR processes, including recruitment, training, and compensation, is emphasized as a key element in realizing the full potential of Green HRM. This study captures the perceptions of 120 HR Managers from Pune regarding the benefits and efficacy of Green HRM, providing insights into its transformative impact on organizational sustainability. Keywords: Green HRM, Organizational Sustainability, Employee Engagement, Eco- Friendly Practices.</p> Atul Kumar Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 12 24 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7695 Cross-Cultural Contact and Cross-Cultural Social Skills <p>This presentation focuses on the psychology of cross-cultural contacts and transitions, and introduce studies conducted by the author and colleagues. The first study is a cross-cultural adjustment study of international students in Japan. We investigated the relationship between cross-cultural adjustment and social relations. For the second study, the cross- cultural adjustment of international care workers in Japan was examined. We focused on the effect of social skills on the three levels of adjustment. The third study, the cross-cultural social skills learning session is introduced. The fourth study is a practical study of American social skills learning sessions for Japanese international students in the U.S.A. Finally, future tasks and prospects for developing studies about cross-cultural adjustment and social skills which enhance cross-cultural contact and relationship formation are outlined. Keywords: cross-cultural adjustment, cross-cultural social skills, cross-cultural psychology, international students, international care workers.</p> Tomoko Tanaka Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 25 37 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7696 African Fiction-African Intricacies Nexus: A Bird’s Eye View <p>I consider it a profound privilege and honor to be part of the remarkable ECKLL XI (11th Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Literature) event. I am delighted to share insights on “Contemporary Perspectives in Language, Literature, Education, and Culture”.</p> Ayele Fafavi d’Almeida Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 38 50 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7697 Theme of Hunger of Materialism in Tolstoy’s How Much Does a Man Need? <p>The research focuses on the theme of hunger of materialism in Tolstoy’s How Much Does a Man Need? The short story conveys the theme of hunger for materialism as seen how a man who a man greedy with material things that he is always hungry, and he cannot satisfy his lust for it beyond limitation. Using the allusion, the researchers can learn how Tolstoy deploys the simple understanding of Bashkir, who are illiterate and seem underdeveloped people, they are much wiser than a Russian man like Pakhom. Using this technique, Tolstoy wants to say that happiness can be found ironically in the simplicity of life that does not need a lot of things that trigger the hunger of materialism that according to Christianity, he will not inherit the Kingdom of God.<br>Keywords: Theme, hunger, allusion</p> Cahyaningsih Pujimahanani Putut Handoko Hariyono Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 51 56 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7698 Improving English Vocabulary for Elementary Students in Grade 4 through Listening with Received Pronunciation (LWRP) <p>This study investigated the improvement of English vocabulary for elementary students through Listening with Received Pronunciation (LWRP). There were sixty-one students in grade 4th of elementary school involved in the study. They were given pre-test and post- tests to measure their vocabulary skills. The results indicated that students who had been taught through LWRP got higher average scores than students who had not. In conclusion, LWRP are fruitful medium to improve students' mastery in learning English vocabulary at an early age.<br>Keywords: Improving; English Vocabulary; Listening with Received Pronunciation</p> Suhartawan Budianto Nur Sayidah Sucipto Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 57 67 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7699 Female Ghost in Nusantara: Dulce Et Utile Aspects <p>This paper explores the intricate world of Nusantara folklore, focusing on female ghost stories such as Sundel Bolong and Kuntilanak/Pontianak/Kuyang. Informed by Alan Dundes' assertion that folklore serves as a cultural mirror, the study delves into the socio- economic values and cultural nuances embedded in these narratives. Drawing inspiration from Clifford Geertz's extensive research in 1950s Java, the classification of spirits like memedi, lelembut, and tuyul is scrutinized, emphasizing their roles and characteristics. Employing a descriptive qualitative research design, the investigation centers on the dulce and utile aspects of these female ghost stories. The results showcase how storytellers invoke intense fear through the portrayal of supernatural entities, tapping into primal instincts associated with darkness and solitude. Moreover, the narratives convey moral lessons addressing societal challenges of the time, such as maternal mortality rates and the victimization of women. The researchers concludes by highlighting the contemporary risks of misinterpretation, particularly in media, where female ghost stories are exploited for sexual arousal rather than emphasizing their moral utility. Overall, these folklores provide a profound understanding of Nusantara society, urging responsible storytelling that empowers women and challenges harmful stereotypes in the modern context. Keywords: Dulce et Utile; Folklore; Stereotype</p> Hariyono Kusuma Wijaya Rindrah Kartiningsih Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 68 72 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7700 Exploring English Clubs in Two Different Regions: Does English Achievement Matter? <p>This study aims to know if there is a significant difference in achievement in English clubs between Group A from an urban area and Group B from a suburban area and find out whether motivation influences the learning achievement of both groups. This study is categorized as a quantitative study. The data were collected from a test and questionnaire. The students' interviews were conducted as the preliminary data. The number of participants were 10 students from Group A and 10 students from Group B and they were members of English clubs in two different schools in different regions. From the findings, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in achievement scores between Group A and Group B. The difference in school location, academic atmosphere, and method of club selection did not affect students' achievement. Besides, students' motivation does not influence students' achievement in both groups. For the next research, it is suggested to involve more participants and include other factors that may contribute to students’ achievement in English clubs.<br>Keywords: English clubs; students’ achievement; students’ motivation.</p> Fitria Aftinia Ahmad Munir Him’mawan Adi Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 73 85 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7701 Homoromanticism in Red White and Royal Blue Film <p>This study exposes the homoromanticism actualized in the film of Red White and Royal Blue. This film tells about the relationship between Alex, the American President's son and Britain’s Prince, Henry, that goes from a rivalry into a deeper relationship. This article investigates homoromanticism in the relationship between Alex and Henry. Homoromanticism is a romantic orientation characterized by the occurrence of romantic attraction or desire in a frequent and consistent manner toward members of the same sex or gender. The data of this analysis is taken by watching the movie, marking the data that indicates homoromanticism, and grouping the data according to the category. Through qualitative method and explorative approach, this paper would like to expose that the relationship of Alex and Henry is such homoromanticism as indicated through their physical, psychological, and emotional contacts. The physical contacts between them include actions of bodily touches, the psychological contacts involve the reasons behind such homoromanticism, and emotional contacts underline attractions and interests towards the same gender. In conclusion, the relationship between Alex and Henry in the film indicates affection to the same gender that may give them freedom of expression rather than be drown into prolonging conflicts.<br>Keywords: Homoromanticism, Red White and Royal Blue, Same-Gender Affections</p> Ni Putu Nia Damayanti Komang Sinta Puspayani Maulidia Nur Faulina Laila Nabilahtauzzahro Ibrahim Rommel Utungga Pasopati Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 86 105 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7702 An Analysis of TEFL Textbook Used by Engineering Students <p>Textbooks are needed for the learner to improve and master their English proficiency. The book plays an essential part in the teaching-learning process. Engineering students in ITATS used the TEFL textbook, which ILC (ITATS Language Center) lecturers created. TEFL textbook has been used several times, and researchers would like to explore whether the alignment of the materials influences students' perceptions of the TEFL textbook. In this study, the researcher wanted to analyze Engineering students' TEFL to know students' reactions to the TEFL textbook so that the author can make updates in the future. This research used qualitative research, and the researcher collected the data using close-ended questionnaires and interviews with the 39 students who used this textbook. The questionnaire asked about the clarity of the explanation, material, strategy, and questions. The result showed that the students enjoyed understanding the explanations and tips written in the textbook. They could analyze the exercise while they applied the materials from the textbook. The structure part explained using some tables and helped the students conceive the materials. The students had difficulty understanding the listening part, but the lecturer could explain and give some tips. The tips given made the students grasp the listening materials. This textbook helped students to understand the material, supplemented by the lecturer's explanation.<br>Keywords: English Proficiency, Textbook, Engineering Students</p> Norita Prasetya Wardhani Pratiwi Retnaningdyah Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 106 117 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7703 The Effect of Accounting Understanding and Business Size on The Quality of MSMEs Financial Statements <p>The economic growth of Indonesia is greatly supported by the abundance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSMEs plays a crucial role in economic growth and development, giving rise to new economic sectors. During the pandemic, the number of MSMEs in Sidoarjo Regency declined, resulting in an average decrease of 61% in business profit. One of the strategies to restore profit growth is by reviewing financial reports. However, MSMEs still faces difficulties in managing financial reports. This research aims to analyze the influence of accounting understanding and business size on the quality of MSMEs financial reports, using the financial reporting theory according to PSAK 1. This study employs a quantitative descriptive design. The research findings indicate that accounting understanding and business size significantly influence the quality of financial reports.<br><strong>Keywords: Accounting Understandin; Business Size; Financial Report Quality</strong></p> Sella Safrida Kurnia Yahya Alberta Esti Handayani Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 118 135 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7704 Marxist Reading in John Steinbeck’s The Pearl <p>This article explores the elements of Marxist reading focusing on Steinbeck's novella, The Pearl,. The study employs a Marxist reading to analyze socioeconomic class divisions depicted in the narrative. The research method involved a qualitative approach, with data drawn from quotations in the novel. The results reveal that The Pearl reflects classist values and critiques classism. The narrative portrays the white doctor's refusal to treat the native-Indian couple's son due to their lack of money, exemplifying a class-based stratification. Steinbeck positions characters from the lower class as protagonists, challenging the traditional roles of haves and have-nots. Additionally, the article highlights a critique of organized religion, exemplified by the priest's sudden kindness towards the protagonists upon discovering their valuable pearl. This shift underscores the materialistic nature of the priest's actions, criticizing the insincerity of organized religion. In conclusion, the researcher identify The Pearl as a work that exposes classist values and critiques classism, offering insights into socioeconomic disparities. The narrative also presents a critical perspective on organized religion, revealing the manipulation of religious figures for material gain.<br>Keywords: Classism; Marxist criticism elements; Marxist reading.</p> Victor Mt. L. Tobing Kusuma Wijaya Hariyono Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 136 140 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7705 Fostering Students' Curiosity through Pop Culture: Insights from English Lecturers in Indonesia <p>Curiosity is the driving force behind learning, innovation, and human progress, while popular culture, comprising a spectrum of modern media and entertainment, is an integral part of contemporary student life. This study explores how popular culture can be used in English classrooms to spark students' curiosity. The research was a qualitative investigation involving six English lecturers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia, actively participating in focus group discussions and individual interviews. The results showed the potential of using pop culture to increase students' curiosity. The lecturers integrated various forms of pop culture in discussion activities, role-playing, voiceover exercises, storytelling sessions, vocabulary expansion exercises, dictation tasks, extensive reading, creative writing endeavors, comic and video making, vlogging, social media interactions, and interviews. The lecturers underlined that integrating popular culture into teaching practices engages, relaxes, and effectively stimulates students' curiosity. It can also foster closer relationships with students, encourage more in-depth and meaningful learning experiences, and significantly, students show enthusiasm and positive attitudes towards learning by incorporating popular culture.<br>Keywords: curiosity, English lecturer, learning activity, pop culture</p> Arny Irhani Asmin Oikurema Purwati Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 141 156 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7706 Speaking English Practices in Intercultural Communicative Competence Framework <p>The mastery of speaking skill is usually on the top priority of the language learners’ target. Communicative competence has become an essential skill in this 21th century, and English has been a central language for global communication. Communicative language teaching (CLT) which is derived from communicative competence theory has been widely used for years too, but the problems in mastering oral language competency still persists in until today. Currently foreign language learning involves culture to increase communicativeness since language is always used in cultural context. This research studied the use of English by Indonesian learners and the underlying reasons. It studied contexts when English is used in daily life. It was conducted qualitatively to explore driving motives and willingness to communicate. The result also indicated learners’ intercultural communicative competence which potentially influenced language learning.</p> Perwi Darmajanti Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 157 168 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7708 The Influence of The Role-Playing Learning Model and Vocabulary Mastery on English Speaking Proficiency <p>Since speaking ability is an indicator of success in learning English, speaking ability must be mastered well. Teachers must be able to determine the right learning model and stimulate their students' speaking ability. Role-play learning model is one of the relevant alternatives. The purpose of the study is to show how role play affects English vocabulary acquisition, how vocabulary acquisition affects English speaking ability, and how role play and vocabulary acquisition affect English speaking ability. This study used a quantitative approach with the type of experimental research through a one group pretest-posttest design. The instruments used are role playing learning model questionnaire, speaking ability questionnaire, and vocabulary mastery test questions. According to the results of simple regression and multiple linear regression analyses, the research shows that role playing affects English vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary acquisition affects English speaking ability, and role playing and vocabulary acquisition do not affect English speaking ability.<br>Keywords: Role Playing Model; Speaking Ability; Vocabulary.</p> Kusmiyati Ni Nyoman Sarmi Listyaningsih Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 169 184 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7707 Cyberbullying and Its Impacts on Self-Loathing Behavior <p>This article exposes cyberbullying and its wider impacts on self-loathing behavior. The internet and the advancement of information technology shape the rising of social media to communicate and socialize among young people. However, technology or especially social media brings both negative effects of cyberbullying besides further positive impacts. Cyberbullying can have psychological impacts on victims and abusers of bullying such as health problems, depression, anxiety, loss of self-confidence, and even victims can hate themselves in matter of self-loathing. Then, how may cyberbullying contribute to behavior of self-loathing? Through qualitative method, this paper underlines any hate targeted to the victims may shape such self-hate to them. By putting the focuses on the victims, anticipations could be done by exploring bullying as hate speech that may affect self-esteem of anyone in digital realm. In conclusion, cyberbullying does exist and it shows how any victim of it could get bad impact of being hated that is closely related to idea of self- loathing.<br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Cyberbullying, Digital Activism, Self-Loathing</p> Dian Oktavia Raddine Salsabiyla Anisa Dinda Noviyanti Suhartawan Budianto Rommel Utungga Pasopati Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 185 196 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7709 Childfree and Its Prolonged Pro-Choice Indications <p>This article amplifies the option to be childfree in the frame of pro-choice action. Being childfree is popular yet crucial recently since it includes both personal choice and resistance against cultural tradition of having children. In further understanding, childfree tends to follow argumentations of pro-choice than pro-life as it emphasizes more on personal experience rather than common cultural standards. Through qualitative method, this article answers the question of ‘how may childfree be emphasized on its matter of pro-choice option?’. In analysis, pro- choice brings background that taste and experience remain important thing today. People are urged to think by themselves out of any obstacle from traditional standards. In conclusion, childfree indeed challenges old values by proposing self- indications rather than giving out to children. It does not mean that children are not important, but the pro-choice itself accentuates more to personal understandings as resistance to any traditional standard.<br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Childfree, Pro-Choice, Resistance, Traditional Values</p> Evangelin Rambu Ayu Erlis Hersetya Firda Salsabila Nova Calista Rindrah Kartiningsih Rommel Utungga Pasopati Copyright (c) 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 197 209 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7710 Succorance in Promotion of Psychological Well-Being <p>This article investigates succorance as an ethical behavior to promote psychological well-being. Any human being should always be in posture of being well. Succorance is one way to openly being dependent of the others’ nurturant care. By applying that term, any goodness should be embraced to increase the needs of being needed socially. Then, how may succorance be involved to promote psychological well-being? Through qualitative method, this paper accentuates succorance as an idea to enhance concept of well-being. Self-esteem, self-confidence, even self-love could be promoted by applying succorance. In conclusion, open own self towards others is not only being dependent, but also beneficial since it could underline appreciations towards own being as well. Affectionate care and social support as impact of involving succorance are needed to promote matters of better mental health in everyone’s everyday life.<br><strong>Keywords:</strong> Behavior, Psychological Well-Being, Succorance</p> Yasmin Azzah Adillah Wirnoto Katarina Surensa Silvia Marta Wijaya Ni Nyoman Sarmi Rommel Utungga Pasopati Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Seminar Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Literature 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 210 224 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7711 The Intertwinements of Information and Literacy in Contemporary Culture <p>This paper exposes the relations between information and literacy in context of contemporary culture. By exploring the perspective, reading culture is the main involvement in today’s indication. The analysis of this article includes popular culture in literacies in which it actually involves such tensions than merely definitions. The tensions are about existence vs essence, paradoxes vs consistencies, and enlightenment vs paranoia. Later, the text as the widened matters of language puts more approaches towards recent culture of sharing information. Therefore, the condition of hoaxes indeed is inevitable and undeniable, since abundant flowing information will always result to surplus of meanings as well. In conclusion, literacy should be used as matter of finding truth than effort of merely justification. The freedom of meanings should be emphasized furthermore to attain the truth as matter of process in various matters of literacies.<br><strong>Keywords</strong> Information, Literacy, Popular Culture, Reading Culture, Sharing Culture</p> Farham Nazhib Hamdani Ahmad Maulana Marharendra Albert Wijaya Kusuma Hariyono Rommel Utungga Pasopati Copyright (c) 2024 Proceeding of International Seminar Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Literature 2024-01-19 2024-01-19 11 1 225 243 10.25139/eckll.v11i1.7712