Lokasi, kepuasan layanan, dan fasilitas pada keputusan menginap di hotel midtown residences surabaya
This study aims to determine the effect of location, service quality, and the influence of facilities on the decision to stay at Midtown Residence Surabaya either simultaneously or partially. The analytical tool used is to tabulate the questionnaire, collect data in the form of validity tests and reliability tests. In this study, samples taken were 100 respondents. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling method, the analysis technique using the Multiple Linear Regression Test, the Coefficient of Determination, and Hypothesis Test. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the validity test of all variable indicators proved to be valid because the value of Rhitung> Rtabel. For the reliability test of all variables, the cronbach alpha value was obtained> 0.6, so it was declared reliable. The equation Y = 4,937 + 0,313 X1 + 0,159X2 + 0,337 X3 is obtained in the Multiple Linear Regression Test. The determination coefficient test shows that the calculated correlation value is 0.649 or 64.9% which indicates a positive relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Hypothesis Testing F test (simultaneous) proved to be influential with a value of 0.000. T test (partial) t test value (partial) location (0.04 <0.05), service quality (0.02 <0.05), and facilities (0.00> 0.05).
Keywords: location; service satisfaction; decision to stay overnight
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