Kualitas produk, harga, dan citra merek pada keputusan pembelian kaos oblong cak cuk surabaya

  • Universitas dr Soetomo
  • Universitas dr Soetomo
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of product quality, price, and brand image simultaneously and partially on purchasing decisions at Cak Cuk Surabaya. The independent variable in this study is product quality, price, and brand image. While the dependent variable is a purchasing decision at Cak Cuk Surabaya. In this study, the determination of the sample is done by accidental sampling method. The sample used was 95 people. Before the hypothesis test is carried out the reliability and validity test. The result is all variables, validity and reliability, the results of the F test show the calculated F value> F table that is 38.780> 2.705 with a significance of 0,000 less than 0.05. Thus the first hypothesis states "Allegedly the quality of the product, price, and brand image simultaneously influence the purchase decision at Cak Cuk Surabaya" can be supported by the truth. T test results for product quality variables show the value of t count> t table that is 3.018> 1.986 with a significance of 0.003 less than 0.05. For the price variable shows the value of t count> t table that is 2.840> 1.986 with a significance of 0.006 smaller than 0.05. For the brand image variable shows the value of t count> t table is 5.051> 1.986 with a significance of 0.000 less than 0.05. Thus the second hypothesis stating "Allegedly the quality of the product, price, and brand image has a partial effect on purchasing decisions at Cak Cuk Surabaya" can be supported by the truth. Based on the results of the t test it is also known that the brand image variable has a higher t value compared to other variables namely 5,051, meaning that the most dominant influence on purchasing decisions in Cak Cuk Surabaya is the brand image variable

Keywords: Product Quality; Price; Brand Image and Purchasing Decisions.


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