Strategies and Policies of East Java Regional Government in Encouraging The Spread of Investment and Building The Investment Climate 2021-2025

  • Sutarmin
  • Saibat
Abstract views: 87 , PDF Journal downloads: 91
Keywords: Investment, Equity, Development


Abstract. This research was conducted at the Investment and One-Stop Services Office / Dinas Penanaman
Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) of East Java Province. This research aims to provide
information related to Promoting Strategy and Policy, expanding the Spread of Investment and building the
Investment Climate in East Java. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data
collection techniques can be done by observation, questionnaire, documentation and a combination of all. The
data sources used in this study are primary data and secondary data. The informants in the study were the
Office in the East Java Provincial Government, Regency / City DPMPTSP in East Java, Internal Affairs in the
East Java Province DPMPTSP. While the sampling used in this study is saturated sampling. Based on the results
of the study it was concluded that 1. Improved coordination between the Central Government, Provincial
Government and Regency / City Governments of East Java, 2. designing an online-based market place that sells
Investment Project Ready to Offer (IPRO) projects 3. Improving the investment climate to make it more
conducive and overlapping regulations, increasing bureaucratic efficiency through simplifying business
licensing procedures, regulations and Law Enforcement. 4. Encouraging the creation of a one-door Integrated
Licensing Service institution in the Regency/City. 5. Encouraging investment in businesses that are less
attractive to investors. 6. Encouraging investment in areas that have so far had minimal investment, such as the
central and southern regions of East Java. 7. Encouraging the opening of new industrial areas, especially outside
the Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo and Mojokerto areas. Improving the investment climate so that it is more
conducive and regulations are overlapping, increasing bureaucratic efficiency through simplifying business
licensing procedures, regulations and Law Enforcement. 4. Encouraging the creation of a one-door Integrated
Licensing Service institution in the Regency/City. 5. Encouraging investment in businesses that are less
attractive to investors. 6. Encouraging investment in areas that have so far had minimal investment, such as the
central and southern regions of East Java. 7. Encouraging the opening of new industrial areas, especially outside
the Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo and Mojokerto areas. Improving the investment climate so that it is more
conducive and regulations are overlapping, increasing bureaucratic efficiency through simplifying business
licensing procedures, regulations and Law Enforcement. 4. Encouraging the creation of a one-door Integrated
Licensing Service institution in the Regency/City. 5. Encouraging investment in businesses that are less
attractive to investors. 6. Encouraging investment in areas that have so far had minimal investment, such as the
central and southern regions of East Java. 7. Encouraging the opening of new industrial areas, especially outside
the Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo and Mojokerto areas. Encouraging the creation of a one-door Integrated
Licensing Service institution in the Regency/City. 5. Encouraging investment in businesses that are less
attractive to investors. 6. Encouraging investment in areas that have so far had minimal investment, such as the
central and southern regions of East Java. 7. Encouraging the opening of new industrial areas, especially outside
the Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo and Mojokerto areas. Encouraging the creation of a one-door Integrated
Licensing Service institution in the Regency/City. 5. Encouraging investment in businesses that are less
attractive to investors. 6. Encouraging investment in areas that have so far had minimal investment, such as the
central and southern regions of East Java. 7. Encouraging the opening of new industrial areas, especially outside
the Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo and Mojokerto areas.

Keywords: Investment; Equity; Development


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