Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil2024-11-26T15:29:38+07:00Maulidya Octaviani Bustamin[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p><strong>ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2615-7195 (Online)</a></strong></p> <p>Acrredited by Minister of Research and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia, Directorate General of Research Strengthen and Development (Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemenristekdikti RI) Number <a href=""><strong>204/E/KPT/2022 as Ranking 4 (SINTA 4)</strong></a></p> <p><strong>Ge-STRAM (Geotechnics, Structure, Transportation, Water, Construction Management)</strong> is one of the journals published by the Civil Engineering Department of Dr. Soetomo University, which was established in March 2018. The journal publishes twice a year in March and September, containing 8 articles for each issue. All of the articles in this journal registered with unique <strong>DOI</strong>, provided by <strong>Crossref. </strong>This journal presents scientific articles on the results of research, scientific studies, analysis and critical review of the problems closely related to the field of civil engineering. The manuscript will be received by the editor to be assessed for the feasibility and technical substance of its writing by Bestari Partners and the Board of Editors. The editorial board is authorized to accept or reject the submitted manuscript.</p> of The Relationship of Rework and Inventory to Waste in The Ciputra Hospital Surabaya Project2024-10-14T09:52:21+07:00Felicia Tria Nuciferani[email protected]Mukharom Dwi Anggara[email protected]Siti Choiriyah[email protected]Devi I Permatasari[email protected]<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The problem of material waste in construction projects will be difficult to avoid as it goes along with construction waste. One of the unavoidable problems in a construction project is repeating work or reworking. Rework will also affect the emergence of waste. In a series of construction project activities, inventory is always required to anticipate needs in the ongoing construction project process. Without an inventory, a construction project will encounter the risk that one day it will not be able to meet its needs. This research aimed to determine the correlation between rework and inventory to waste at the Ciputra Hospital Surabaya construction project. It employed a quantitative method by collecting data through a questionnaire distributed to 30 respondents in the project environment. Data analysis involved multiple linear regression analyzes and the SPSS 25 software program. The results of the t-test showed that rework partially had a positive effect on waste with a t-count value of 8.528, while inventory also had a positive effect on waste with a t-count value of 8.661. Simultaneous test results indicated that rework and inventory had a significant effect on waste, with an F-count value of 37.442.</span></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Waste; Rework; Inventory</span></p>2024-09-12T08:59:31+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Felicia Tria Nuciferani, Mukharom Dwi Anggara, Siti Choiriyah, Devi I Permatasari Abu Tempurung Kelapa Dan Kapur Hidrolis Sebagai Bahan Pengganti Semen Pada Mortar Geopolimer2024-10-14T10:09:10+07:00Beni Rizky Alfarisi[email protected]Anita Intan Nura Diana[email protected]<p>This research aims to find out how to use coconut shell ash and hydraulic lime as a substitute for cement in geopolymer mortar. Geopolymer mortar is a type of mortar that does not use cement at all. Geopolymer is the answer to replacing cement, because cement production has a bad impact, namely that it can damage the environment. CO<sub>2</sub> emission gas is not only produced in the process of making cement, but CO<sub>2</sub> emission gas is produced when it is used in concrete mixtures. This research method is by comparing precursors, the ratio of precursor to activator. The precursors used in this research were coconut shell ash and hydraulic lime, while the alkali activators used were Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) and Sodium Silica (Na<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>3</sub>). The use of variations in coconut shell ash precursor with hydraulic lime is 50:50, 60:40, 70:30. Alkali variation of NaOH activator with Na<sub>2</sub>SiO<sub>3</sub> is 50:50, while variation of precursor with activator is 70:30 and 80:20. The treatment method used in this research was in the oven at 60°C and left at room temperature.</p> <p> </p>2024-09-12T09:34:11+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Beni Rizky Alfarisi, Anita Intan Nura Diana Kualitas Aspal Pertamina Dan Aspal PG 70 Berdasarkan Uji Penetrasi Menggunakan SNI 2456-20112024-10-14T10:10:48+07:00R Endro Wibisono[email protected]Risma Yuantika[email protected]<p>A road must meet the criteria of being safe and comfortable for its users. One type of road pavement that is commonly used in Indonesia is flexible road pavement, where the main material of flexible pavement is asphalt. In this study, Pertamina asphalt and PG 70 asphalt were used, where the aim of this research was to determine the quality of these two asphalts. The method used in this research is laboratory testing in accordance with the SNI 2456 - 2011 penetration test guidelines. After testing, the penetration value for asphalt penetration was 61, while PG 70 asphalt was 48, which means that Pertamina asphalt is more flexible than PG 70 asphalt. The stability of the second This asphalt is not much different, but the stability of PG 70 asphalt is higher, which indicates that this asphalt is suitable for use in traffic with medium or heavy vehicle intensity. In Indonesia, the use of Pertamina asphalt is more dominant than PG 70 asphalt because Pertamina asphalt is asphalt oil produced by PT. Pertamina. Meanwhile, PG 70 asphalt is still rarely used because this modified asphalt has problems with the mixture. The two asphalt test objects have slight differences in appearance and texture. Petamin asphalt has a dark black, shiny appearance and a more flexible texture. Meanwhile, PG 70 asphalt is dark black in color but is no more shiny than Pertamina asphalt, apart from that, PG 70 asphalt has a harder texture.</p>2024-09-12T09:39:43+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 R Endro Wibisono, Risma Yuantika Sebaran Dan Pemetaan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Kabel Fiber Optik Bawah Tanah Dengan Pendekatan SIG Di Kota Surabaya2024-10-14T10:13:08+07:00M.Ferry Suryazain[email protected]Ronny Durrotun Nasihien[email protected]Julistyana Tistogondo[email protected]<p>Surabaya City has an area of 33,306.30 Hectares and is divided into 31 sub-districts 154 villages and other government work units, known as SKPD (Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah). Regional devices provide services to the community, in order to support this, an internet network and supporting devices are needed which are connected to the network infrastructure between SKPD or public areas. This network infrastructure is managed and built by DINKOMINFO (Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika) Surabaya City. The Surabaya City Government until 2022, has a total length of fiber optic cable installed in Surabaya reaching 285,932.74 meters as well as thousands of supporting devices such as CCTV and network device boxes. However, manual mapping and data collection methods have limitations in efficiency and accuracy. For this reason, a digital map using Geographic Information System (GIS) with ArcGIS application is required. Digital mapping enables more detailed and accurate geographic data collection, storage and analysis. Genteng sub-district will be the object of research because it has the highest density of fiber optic lines, with a total of 119 cable lines with a length of 21,383.7 meters or 21.4 kilometers, 74 access points, 31 handhole points and 127 CCTV points. This research produces a distribution map with the nearest neighbor method including an access point distribution map with a value of 1.0 which means a random distribution model, a handhole distribution map with a value of 1.6 uniform distribution models and, a CCTV point distribution map with a value of 0.7 group distribution models. The results of this research are expected to help in understanding the importance of digital map creation in network infrastructure development.</p>2024-09-12T09:49:23+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 M.Ferry Suryazain -, Ronny Durrotun Nasihien, Julistyana Tistogondo Zona Selamat Sekolah di Jalan Taman Siswa, Sekaran, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang2024-10-14T10:18:29+07:00Farhan Sholahudin Sholahudin[email protected]Bambang Haryadi[email protected]Sigit Arya Panuntun[email protected]Reishya Alia Safira[email protected]Aviv Setiawan[email protected]Rohadatu Resty Auzia[email protected]<p>The installation of School Safe Zones on Taman Siswa Street is considered suboptimal, given that many road users still travel at high speeds and pedestrians, especially students, teachers, and the surrounding community, have not utilized the School Safe Zones facilities. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of School Safe Zones on Taman Siswa Street, particularly in the school areas of SD N Sekaran 1, SD N Sekaran 2, and MI Roudlotul Huda. The urgency of this research is to evaluate the installation of School Safe Zones on Taman Siswa Street, especially in the school areas of SD N Sekaran 1, SD N Sekaran 2, and MI Roudlotul Huda. The approach taken includes surveys of vehicle speed, pedestrian behavior, drop-off behavior, and road equipment facilities. The results of this study are expected to benefit road users, particularly pedestrians in the school areas, by enhancing safety and security when walking and crossing the street. Based on the analysis results, it can be concluded that the effectiveness at School Safe Zones locations is still inadequate, as many students are crossing improperly, and the behavior of escorts is also not ideal. Additionally, road users are still driving at high speeds despite the presence of School Safe Zones signage.</p>2024-09-12T09:59:05+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Farhan Sholahudin Sholahudin, Bambang Haryadi, Sigit Arya Panuntun Pengembangan Kawasan Pesisir Sebagai Zona Konservasi Mangrove Wonorejo Surabaya2024-10-14T10:20:26+07:00Suning Suning[email protected]Dwika Aditya Ananta[email protected]<p>The Wonorejo Surabaya Mangrove Forest is located on the coast of Rungkut District and has an area of 36.9 Ha. The potential can be developed as a tourism-based ecosystem. The potential and existing problems are empirically related to the provision of public facilities, the need to rejuvenate tourist facilities, the need for tourism development, and the need to improve water environmental management. The aim of this research is to determine the existing conditions and the strategy for developing the Wonorejo Mangrove coast as a conservation zone. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with photo mapping techniques and SWOT analysis. The research results show that the existing condition of the Wonorejo Mangrove coast has a built-up land use of 14% and non-built land use of 86%. There are circulation facilities for two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles as one of the facilities for visitors. Availability of green open space in the form of playgrounds and other green open space spots such as parking areas for both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. The characteristics of existing buildings include roof shape, building texture and paint color. The tourist support facilities that are available are boat rides, playgrounds, toilets, entrance counters, culinary centers, information centers and research facilities on mangroves. Physically, the pedestrian path has a paving construction with a width of 4 m and a length of 18 m, as well as a jogging track area with a wooden construction with a width of 2 m and a length of 1,217 m. Signage is in the form of directional signs, directional signs and warning boards, as well as existing conservation in the form of mangrove and boesem areas. Policy implementation that can be carried out is the need to develop mangrove conservation and rehabilitation activities as tourism and research programs, repair and maintenance of supporting facilities, signage, pedestrian paths, enforce laws and regulations related to conservation areas, develop synergistic and sustainable waste management with industries such as PT. Unilever and parties who care about mangrove and environmental issues in order to maintain the sustainability of the Wonorejo Mangrove.</p>2024-09-12T10:08:43+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Suning Suning, Dwika Aditya Ananta 3D Tekla Structure Pada Konstruksi Baja Project Warehouse Finish Good Dalam Proses BIM (Building Information Modeling)2024-10-14T10:23:22+07:00David prasdiansyah[email protected]Ronny Durrotun Nasihien[email protected]Julistyana Tistogondo[email protected]<p>The construction of the warehouse finish good uses steel construction, for accuracy and acceleration in fabrication of steel requires accuracy in the section of steel pieces, connections, accessories and bolt hole point spacing. Based on reviews in the field, all project parties need 3d results and building planning, which can estimate problems and determine what methods will be used in the implementation in the field. In this Warehouse Finish Good project, development planning uses 2 BIM-based software for steel structures using the Tekla Structure program and for planning earthquake-resistant steel buildings using the SAP 2000 program. The purpose of this research is to study BIM (Building Information Modeling) based technology with the Tekla structure implementation method, the results obtained from the implementation can be 3d modeling and can find out the material requirements that will be used where BIM (Building Information Modeling) is very useful for the field implementation process and can also be a discussion material for all project-related teams to determine the work methods to be used.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p>2024-09-12T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 David prasdiansyah, Ronny Durrotun Nasihien, Julistyana Tistogondo Kepuasan Penyedia Terhadap Penerapan Prinsip Efisien, Efektif, Transparan, dan Terbuka Pada Pengadaan Konstruksi Pemerintah di Kabupaten Manggarai2024-11-26T15:29:17+07:00Patrisius Valdoni Sandi[email protected]Ewaldus Onesiaus Kaur[email protected]Lulu Handayani[email protected]<p>Supplier satisfaction in Public Procurement (PBJP) can significantly impact project execution quality, efficiency and productivity, reputation and long-term relationships, innovation, and risk management. This is especially important in Manggarai Regency, where construction projects often focus on accessibility and connectivity. Therefore, an analysis of supplier satisfaction with the application of efficient, effective, transparent, and open principles in government construction procurement is needed to determine priority improvements for the existing indicators within these principles. The results of the suitability level analysis (Tki) show a suitability value of 96.79% between performance and importance in applying efficient, effective, transparent, and open principles, indicating that the service quality provided is lacking or does not meet what is considered important by the suppliers, or in other words, it is not yet satisfactory. A satisfaction analysis using the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) method yielded a CSI value of 61.917%, which falls within the range of 66%-80.99%, indicating that respondents are generally satisfied with the application of these principles in government construction procurement in Manggarai Regency.</p>2024-09-12T10:28:20+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Patrisius Valdoni Sandi, Ewaldus Onesiaus Kaur, Lulu Handayani Kecelakaan Kerja Menggunakan Metode Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Pada Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Pembangunan Industri Makanan Di Kabupaten Gresik2024-10-14T10:32:12+07:00R Endro Wibisono[email protected]Farida Hardaningrum[email protected]Doni Ndito Palupi[email protected]<p>Work accidents are something that often happens on construction projects and deserve attention. The most difficult thing is to determine the root of the problem. The method used in this research is to look for the causes of work accidents, namely the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method. The FTA method is one way to resolve cases when failure or undesirable things occur by looking for the root of the problem from the basic events that arise and is described from each indication of the incident. This is done by identifying the relationship between causal factors and displaying it in the form of a fault tree which involves a simple logical "tree". Accidents are calculated for every 1,000,000 working hours of the worker's total "hours worked". The safe T value is a measurement that aims to compare the results of the level of accident reduction achieved for that work. The research results show that work accidents have an effect on work productivity. As a result of data processing and analysis, it was found that the occupational safety and health implementation program at PT. Sejahtera Asia Mulia can be said to have been implemented quite well. The accidents that occurred in 2020-2022 were 16, 13 and 7 accidents. The frequency level from 2020-2022 is 101.59; 71.15; 29.76. The severity level that occurred in 2020-2022 was 4844.44; 3409.96; 1785.71. Safe T value in 2021 is known to be -0.427 and in 2022 was -1.390. The decreasing rate of accidents and the severity of accidents from year to year indicates an increase in labor productivity.</p>2024-09-12T10:46:35+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 R Endro Wibisono, Farida Hardaningrum, Doni Ndito Palupi Of RAMS Analysis and ITS Implementation in Railway Vehicles2024-11-26T15:29:38+07:00Muhamad Abdurrochman[email protected]Rachman Setiawan [email protected]Vani Virdyawan [email protected]<p>Reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS) analysis, as a tool to ensure performance, safety, and cost-effectiveness throughout the system’s life cycle, has been widely applied in various industries, including the railway industry, specifically railway vehicles. This article provides an overview of various studies exploring the implementation of RAMS analysis in railway vehicles. This literature review consists of an introduction, method, RAMS analysis, results and discussion, and conclusion. Several studies on the implementation of RAMS analysis in railway vehicles are presented and explained, and key points from each study are discussed to provide a comprehensive overview of the implementation of RAMS analysis in railway vehicles. In general, the benefits of the implementation of RAMS analysis are enhanced performance (reliability, availability, and maintainability), safety, and cost-effectiveness of railway vehicles throughout their life cycle. However, many studies only focus on one or a few aspects of performance, safety, or cost-effectiveness without comprehensive discussions of all these aspects. Additionally, many studies only concentrate on the operational phase, including maintenance and repair, without a complete discussion of the entire life cycle from concept to disposal stage.</p>2024-09-12T10:35:55+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamad Abdurrochman, Rachman Setiawan , Vani Virdyawan