Kajian Media2023-11-13T09:20:58+07:00Nurannafi F S Maela[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p>Jurnal Kajian Media adalah Jurnal berbasiskan daring <em>(online) yang</em> mengeksplorasi pertanyaan yang kritis dan konstruktif dalam berbagai bidang studi Ilmu Komunikasi secara khusus pada bidang Kajian Media. setiap volume jurnal membahas tema tertentu, di mana para cendekia, dari berbagai disiplin ilmu, diundang untuk berkontribusi. Semua Artikel dalam Jurnal Kajian Media memiliki DOI yang diberikan secara unik oleh lembaga pengindeks bereputasi: Crossref.</p> <p>Jurnal Kajian Media adalah Jurnal yang telah terakreditasi oleh SINTA Kemenristekdikti RI sesuai sesuai dengan SK Dirjen Risbang <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">28/E/KPT/2019</a>, tertanggal 26 September 2019, dengan peringkat 5 (SINTA 5).</p> <p><strong>ISSN (Online): <a href="">2579-9436</a></strong></p> of celebrity endorsement usage trends: a systematic literature review2023-11-13T09:20:58+07:00Vega Karina Andira Putri[email protected]Cendera Rizky Anugrah Bangun[email protected]Daniel Susilo[email protected]Agus Kustiwa[email protected]Ariel Barlian Obadyah[email protected]<p>This systematic literature review aims to analyze studies on the use of endorsement marketing by celebrities. The data comes from several sources from Crossref collected between 2020 and 2022. Keywords used include "Social Media Marketing," "Endorsement Marketing," and "Celebrity Endorsement." From this search process, fifteen articles related to the topic were found. The results show that the source attractiveness and credibility model is a model that brands trust to have an effective impact because the determining factor for the success of celebrity endorsement lies in the source or messenger, namely the celebrity. Celebrity endorsement through celebrity social media accounts is increasingly popular as a social media marketing strategy because it influences buying behavior.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: social media marketing, endorsement, celebrity endorsement.</em></strong></p>2023-09-04T14:20:37+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Kajian Media lokal di era kenormalan baru: peran media baru dalam pilkada serentak 20202023-11-13T09:20:42+07:00Jerry Indrawan[email protected]Dede Suprayitno[email protected]Muhammad Kamil Ghiffary[email protected]Putrawan Yuliandri[email protected]Anindita Lintangdesi A[email protected]<p>The simultaneous local elections in 2020 gave its own color to the implementation of local democracy in Indonesia. The ongoing pandemic situation has forced election organizers to adjust the implementation of the local election to the "New Normal" policy issued by the government. As a result, many local election activities that have been carried out physically have to switch to online media. Although, there are many pros and cons related to its implementation, especially because of the pandemic, the local election continued to run successfully. One of the reasons is because the new media have become an integral part in holding the simultaneous local election. This study will focus on the role of new media, especially social media, in the implementation of the simultaneous local elections in 2020. The data ware obtained through a literature review process, involving textbooks, scientific journals, and online mass media coverage. The results showed that new media, especially social media, played a very important role in the implementation of the local election. The presence of new media has prevented the implementation of democracy from being hampered due to the pandemic, but instead has found other areas where people can still engage in politics.</p>2023-11-07T08:25:46+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Kajian Media The Disaster Trending2023-11-13T09:20:39+07:00Maria Advenita Gita Elmada[email protected]Nicky Stephani[email protected]Angga Ariestya[email protected]<p>Often referred to as a world disaster laboratory, Indonesia is one of the most prone to natural disasters globally. Disasters can happen at any time. Good disaster management is necessary given the colossal impact of disasters. Disaster communication is also vital in disaster management and is now closely related to social media. In a disaster situation, three types of information are commonly circulated on social media, namely situational information, sentiments, and personal opinions. This study attempts to map out the dominant information in the hashtag #KalselJugaIndonesia, which is related to the flood disaster in South Kalimantan last January 2021, which managed to become a trending topic overcoming other disaster discourses at the same time. This research is descriptive qualitative research with a directed qualitative content analysis method. As a result, it was found that sentiments of sympathy, sadness, and anger were the main drivers of the hashtag #KalselJugaIndonesia. In addition, the inclusion of this unusual and discourse-filled hashtag is the reason why people's attention can be drawn to the flood disaster in South Kalimantan at that time.</p>2023-11-07T08:32:11+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Kajian Media gay dalam film pendek pria: kajian semiotik pierce2023-11-13T09:20:32+07:00Aninditya Ardhana Riswari[email protected]<p>Kehadiran film sebagai media yang merepresentasikan kehidupan kemasyarakatan rupanya turut menyajikan sesuatu yang dianggap tabu. Seperti dalam film <em>Pria</em> yang menyajikan gambaran atas kehidupan sosok lelaki dengan orientasi seksual yang berbeda, di mana sang tokoh utama merasakan pergolakan batin atas sesuatu yang dirasakan terkait ketertarikan terhadap sesama jenis. Untuk itu penelitian ini disusun dengan tujuan menganalisis representasi gay dalam film pendek <em>Pria</em> melalui kajian semiotik Pierce. Penelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dipadu dengan penggunaan teori Pierce, di mana tersusun analisis antara simbol dan lambang yang hadir untuk memunculkan makna. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setiap adegan yang muncul dalam film <em>Pria</em> menjadi simbol atas pemaknaan “keberbedaan” orientasi seksual yang dirasakan oleh Aris. Kehadiran kaos yang digunakan di atas rambut hingga ekor kuda menjadi lambang atas petanda yang menghadirkan makna baru mengenai kehadiran gay dalam konteks masyarakat tradisional. Untuk itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa rekaan dan adegan yang muncul dalam film <em>Pria</em> mengisyaratkan simbol-simbol sebagai penanda untuk menguak sesuatu yang mewakili sesuatu lain, yang dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan orientasi seksual yakni gay.</p>2023-11-13T08:59:29+07:00Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Kajian Media dalam website komunikasi tim campuran panahan korea selatan di olimpiade tokyo 20202023-11-13T09:20:49+07:00Teguh Dwi Putranto[email protected]<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The success of each athlete in obtaining peak performance during competition depends on the players' and coaches' ability to communicate. When participating in practices and games, communication is crucial and cannot be neglected. In both individual and team events during archery competitions, communication becomes more and more intense. This study looked at how the South Korean archery team's athletes and coaches communicated during the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Using semiotics (Peirce), South Korean archery teams' performances in the finals of two competitions (mixed team and men/women team) were examined. The results of this research showed that communication between the archers and their coaches was dominated by non-verbal communication in mixed team’s numbers symbolised by the high five.</em></p>2023-11-07T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c)