Intertwine: Journal of English Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies 2024-12-18T14:46:58+07:00 Dr. H. Hariyono, S. S., M. Pd. [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Intertwine: Journal of English Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies </strong>is a peer-reviewed journal with the editorial board of scholars mainly in linguistics, literatures, English language, and cultural studies. It is published by English Program, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya, Indonesia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The journal aims to disseminate publications throughout researchers and educators around the world and is published twice a year in the months of May and November.</p> Signs And Connotative Meanings of Korean Drama Scenes “Start Up” 2024-12-18T14:44:18+07:00 shanty Duwila [email protected] <p>One of the most popular Korean drama series today is “Start Up.” This drama becomes popular as it has motivated viewers to explore entrepreneurship. There are some signs and symbols in this drama implying valuable messages for its viewers. This present study applies Roland Barthes’s semiotics theory to find out types of connotative signs and their meaning. The data are scenes from portrayal life of Seo Dalmi and Nam Dosan.&nbsp; Using qualitative descriptive methods, the procedures of data collection and data analysis are: 1) selecting the scene in the Korean drama "Start Up", 2) classifying signs based on connotative types, 3) displaying data, 4) describing the data, and 5) drawing conclusion. The results show that In the case this drama “Start-Up”, the signs symbolize challenge, a sense of belonging, and even motivations. The study found that there are five types of connotative meaning, namely: allusive, attitude, associative, collocative, and reflective meaning. Allusive are the most common connotative meaning found in this drama. the signs symbolize challenge, a sense of belonging, and even motivations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-18T13:36:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intertwine: Journal of English Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies the Exploitation in James Mcbride’s the Good Lord Bird 2024-12-18T14:44:24+07:00 Abu Fanani Fanani [email protected] Nuri Khilda Rahmatika Nuri [email protected] Fathur Rohim Rohim [email protected] Akhmad Syaikhu Syaikhu [email protected] Atiq Mohammad Romdlon Atiq [email protected] <p>The purpose of the study is to explore exploitation in James Mcbride’s <em>the Good Lord Bird </em>undergone mostly by the colored people because they are dominated by the white. Using descriptive and dramatic method to analyze as well as discuss the speech and action of the characters, the study finds that the colored people are exploited through two ways, man by man exploitation and labor exploitation. Man by man exploitation refers to enslaving, taking bribes, killing, and threatening, whilst, labor exploitation refers to selling by the owner and working for the owner. Thus, exploitation is an inhumane conduct since human should be respectable as they are created the same only those with great fear of the God.</p> 2024-12-18T13:55:03+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intertwine: Journal of English Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies THE USE OF CLIPPING AND BORROWING WORDS IN THE SUN AND HER FLOWERS BY RUPI KAUR 2024-12-18T14:44:30+07:00 Nia Ayu Fitriani [email protected] Suhartawan Budianto [email protected] <p><em>The Sun and Her Flowers</em> by Rupi Kaur is the subject of this qualitative study, which aims to analyze the author's usage of borrowed and clipped words. This study uses a close reading approach to examine the themes and styles of Kaur's poetry through the lens of these language methods. The use of clipping, or word reduction, is examined for the way it makes the poetry more approachable and relatable by establishing an emotional urgency and conversational tone. Cultural representation and emotional depth are explored through the lens of borrowing, which incorporates terminology from Kaur's Punjabi heritage. Clipping aids in presenting an honest and personal voice, according to the research, while borrowing terms provides cultural and emotional depth. By shedding light on the novel ways in which modern poetry can use language to enhance theme expression, this study reveals how these linguistic methods represent Kaur's identity and strike a chord with readers.</p> 2024-12-18T14:17:40+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intertwine: Journal of English Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies SEMIOTIC STRATEGIES EMPLOYED ON “HELL N BACK” MUSIC VIDEO FROM BAKAR 2024-12-18T14:44:35+07:00 Kadek Deby Widhia Pramesthi [email protected] I Gde Agoes Caskara Surya Putra [email protected] <p>This study aims to provide a semiotic analysis of the “Hell N Back” music video, revealing the strategies are used to construct meaning and involve the audience. This research refers to the meanings in the music video of Bakar's "Hell N Back", using the semiotic theories Saussure and Barthes. By examining music video, this study investigates how language are used to convey emotional and relationship dynamics. Saussure's approach helped identify the signifiers and signified and Barthes' approach further distinguishes between the denotative and the connotative meaning. The method of this research uses descriptive-qualitative method. The researcher conducted several stages to collect data. First, search and watch it repeatedly while taking notes that have verbal and non-verbal signs in Bakar's music video entitled “Hell N Back” on the YouTube platform. Last, take screenshots of the parts that have both verbal and non-verbal signs. In this music video, the author found six verbal-signs and four non-verbal signs to be analyzed. Overall, the verbal signs in the lyrics reflect the themes of struggle, recovery, and honesty, while the non-verbal signs in the music video highlight the emotional through the images and symbols used.</p> 2024-12-18T14:38:19+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intertwine: Journal of English Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies The Essential Homonormativity as an Alternative of Heteronormativity in A. K. Summers’ Graphic Novel Pregnant Butch 2024-12-18T14:46:58+07:00 Laila Nabilahtuzzahro Ibrahim [email protected] Salsabila Nova Calista [email protected] Falsyawal Galang Smarandreetha [email protected] Rommel Utungga Pasopati [email protected] <p class="x-scope qowt-word-para-13"><span class="qowt-font4-BookAntiqua">This research examines the portrayal of homonormativity and heteronormativity in the graphic novel Pregnant Butch by A. K. Summers. The novel follows the story of Teek, a butch who is experiencing pregnancy. This study explores Teek's unique identity as a form of homonormativity during her pregnancy journey. Butch itself is a gender expression embodying a masculine role in lesbian relationships. The researchers gathered data for this analysis by carefully reading the graphic novel, focusing on Teek's perspective, compiling dialogues and interactions, and categorizing data into themes. Through qualitative analysis, the study emphasizes the distinction between homonormativity and heteronormativity present simultaneously in Teek's pregnancy in the graphic novel. Teek's experience of homonormativity as alternative to heteronormativity enriches her butch identity, highlighting the balance of masculine and feminine aspects during her queer pregnancy. This study underlines the importance of both homonormative and heteronormative elements in Teek's unwavering expression of her butch identity. The complexities of natural and unnatural situations in queer pregnancy also plays a crucial role in shaping her identity.</span></p> 2024-12-18T14:46:54+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Intertwine: Journal of English Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies