A Study of Suicide As Seen in Anne Sexton’s Poems: “Wanting to Die” and “Suicide Note”.

  • Anggie Permata Sari Universitas Dr. Soetomo
  • Drs. Putut Handoko, M.Pd. Universitas Dr. Soetomo
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This thesis focuses on Anne Sexton’s suicidal thoughts as seen in Anne Sexton’s poems entitled Wanting to Die and Suicide Note. The objectives of the study are to find out suicidal thoughts as seen in Anne Sexton’s poems. The thesis writer applies qualitative approach to analyze the data. The two poems portray the suicide, it can be seen through Anne Sexton’s desire to die as seen in her two poems. The thesis writer hopes that it can be an additional reference for those who want to use the term suicide as the topic of research especially if the theory used is the theory of suicide proposed by Emile Durkheim. It is also hoped that the thesis gives inspiring enlightenment of what suicide is and how people should avoid doing it.
