Michael Corleone’s Hegemonic Masculinity in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather Part II: Movie Script

  • AMELIA YUWONO Universitas Dr. Soetomo
Abstract views: 144 , PDF 260 - 271 downloads: 170


The research focuses on Michael Corleone’s Hegemonic Masculinity as seen in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather Part II: Movie Script. The researcher conducts a qualitative research using the movie script of the movie The Godfather Part II as source of data. The finding shows that all of hegemonic masculinity characters are portrayed by Michael Corleone, which are heterosexuality, power, authority, aggression, and technical competence. The portrayal of power is the most found in the script, followed by authority, aggression, technical competence, and his heterosexuality as the least talked about.
