Ally’s Struggle in Bradley Cooper’s A Star is Born Movie Script

  • FARAH RIDAYANTI WUZDI Universitas Dr. Soetomo
Abstract views: 26 ,


This research discussed about Ally’s Struggle in Bradley Cooper’s A Star Is Born, which aimed to find out the proofs of Ally’s struggle, to identify the causal factors of Ally’s struggle, and to reveal the effects of Ally’s struggle on herself and the others. This research used qualitative method and focused on Abraham Maslow theory, Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow states that there are five stages of human needs, such as: Physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. Ally as the main character in this movie script shows that she is able to struggles up the hierarchy of needs one by one until she reaches the highest stage, namely self-actualization. Ally struggle hard to fulfill her needs and reach her dream. She just shows how she struggle to get a better life than before. She used the opportunity she had as well as possible so that she could achieve her dreams. Therefore, this research can be concluded that the movie script A Star Is Born (2018) shows perfectly the struggle of life of Ally as a human based on Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
