The title of this thesis is Peter Parker’s Heroism in Spider-Man (2002) Movie Script. The objectives of the study are to find out the portrayal of Peter Parker’s Heroism, the causal factors of Peter Parker’s Heroism, and the effect of Peter Parker’s Heroism. The theory used is the theory of Heroism stated by Philip Zimbardo. The Thesis writer uses intrinsic and extrinsic approaches and conducts qualitative research to analyze the problems. The result of this study shows that Peter Parker’s Heroism is portrayed by four elements. There are Must be committed voluntarily, Involving a risk to physical comfort, social stature, or quality of life, Conducted in service to one or more people or the community, and Initiated heroic acts without the expectation of reward. The causal factors of Peter Parker's Heroism have explored the factors that seeing one’s self as capable to commit a heroic act, the certain situation that may lead a person to do a certain act that makes him a hero, and the term of stimulation of heroic imagination refers to the ability of a person to imagine the physical and social risky situation and to be able to think about the problem he is going to face dealing with the situation and think about the consequences of the situation.
The effect of Peter Parker’s Heroism in Spider-Man (2002): Movie Script is the physical sacrifices such as physical threat, torture, serious injury, or even near certain death in the service of a cause, and also the social sacrifices such as loss of status, and loss of job.
Keywords: Heroism, movie script.