The Investigation of Interpersonal Meaning in Selena Gomez’s Instagram

  • Flora Anasis
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Abstract. Riklona is a prescription sedative drug containing the active ingredient Klonazepam which is included in the Psychotropics of the Class IV List. Riklona drug abuse is a crime that can be prosecuted before the court. The formulation of the problem in this study is how are the provisions for the crime of psychotropic abuse in Indonesian legislation and law enforcement by district court judges for cases of criminal abuse of psychotropics class IV of the Riklona type. The type of method applied in this research is normative legal research. Provisions for criminal acts of psychotropic abuse are regulated in Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics, especially Article 4, Article 5 sd Article 7, Article 9 sd Article 14 and the criminal sanctions are contained in Article 59 sd Article 72. Whereas by taking into account the results of the Criminalistic Laboratories on drugs at the time the Defendant was arrested and searched it was proven that they were Psychotropics, thus because the Defendant did not have a permit to control the drugs in question, the Panel of Judges was of the opinion that the element of "distribution of psychotropics" had been fulfilled

Keywords: Crime, Psychotropic Abuse, Group IV, Riklona Type
