Journal of English on Language and Literature 2024-05-13T14:18:45+07:00 Drs. Putut Handoko, M.Pd [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>This journal contains research results, scientific articles, and literature studies on English Language, culture,&nbsp; and literature. We invite the students of English Litearature Program who have passed their thesis to send their works. This journal is published four times a year, on March, June, September and Desember.&nbsp;</p> A Portrayal of Kurt Cobain’s Suicide In Nirvana’s Song Lyrics: “I Hate Myself and I Want To Die”, “Lithium”, and “Pennyroyal Tea”. 2024-03-26T09:45:47+07:00 SUWAIBATUL ASLAMIYAH [email protected] <p>This research focuses on Kurt Cobain suicide portrayed in Nirvana’s song lyrics. The researchers conducts a qualitative research using the Nirvana’s song lyrics entitled I Hate Myself and I Want To Die, Lithium, and Pennyroyal Tea as source of data. The researchers applies the theory of Suicide stated by Emile Durkheim. The finding shows that Kurt Cobain’s suicide in Nirvana’s song lyrics direct or indirect death from the victim’s positive or negative action, intentional suicide, and self destructive actions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Suicide, Song Lyrics</p> 2024-03-26T09:25:10+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature Rachel Kim’s Individuation in Shine Novel 2024-03-26T09:45:55+07:00 DIESTA FITRIA AYUNINGRUM [email protected] <p>This research focuses on Rachel's individuation, which is self-realization. This research is using an individuation theory by Carl Jung. This research conducts qualitative research using shine novel as source of data. The purpose of this research is to find out Rachel’s individuation which helped by her archetypes. The finding shows that her individuation starts from shaping persona. After all efforts, she falls into shadow. She tries to find out her anima and animus to control her shadow. Then, it leads her to reach her <em>self</em>. Her ego helps her to project up her <em>self </em>as a member of Girls Forever with the lead vocalist positions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Individuation, Self-Realization, Shine, Jessica Jung.</p> 2024-03-26T09:32:35+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature Marxist Study in Arcane League of Legends Movie Script by Christian Linke 2024-03-26T09:46:03+07:00 DIMAS EKO SAPUTRO [email protected] <p>This research focused on <em>Arcane League of Legend </em>as a Marxist criticism. The researchers conduct qualitative research using the movie script of <em>Arcane League of Legends </em>as source of data. The researchers uses Marxist theory by Karl Marx to help the researchers analysis. Class conflict is one of problem in society which happens because of economic, politic and power. Not only in the real world, but in the literature work it also happens. Zaun which is the lower class do revolution to Piltover because the captalist system and the exploitatiom make Zaun people always starving and live poorly. The cause of class conflic is the power when Piltover have authority to order what they want and politic behind that makes Zaun do revolution to make their people sit in the upper class. The effects is when the capitalist system downfall, decrease the quality of production and change the structural class. Zaun be the rulling class because of class conflict and Piltover be the lower class.</p> <p>Keyword: Arcane League of Legends, Class Conflict, Marxist, Christian Linke</p> 2024-03-26T09:45:25+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature A Study of Figurative Language in Taylor Swift’s Evermore Album 2024-05-13T14:18:45+07:00 Dhaniya Syafa Kamilah [email protected] <p>This research focuses to find and analyze the type of figurative language and the meaning found in the song lyrics in <em>Evermore </em>Album by Taylor Swift. The researcher uses qualitative method for conduct data from song lyrics. The researcher use Leech (1969) theory to find types of figurative language and the theory types of meaning by Leech (1981). The result of this research, the researcher found that five types of figurative language, there are Personifications, Similes, Metaphors, Hyperboles, and Irony and also find two types of meaning, there are the type of meaning are Connotative Meaning and Affective Meaning.</p> 2024-03-26T10:18:29+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature THE PORTRAYAL OF JESS GOLDBERG’S AS A LESBIAN IN LESLIE FEINBERG’S STONE BUTCH BLUES 2024-03-26T13:07:24+07:00 Adinda Putri [email protected] <p>The self-consistency shown in the novel <em>Stone Butch Blues </em>by Leslie Feinberg is portrayed by a lesbian butch, Jess Goldberg. The thesis writer uses Prescott Lecky’s concept of self- consistency in order to analyze the issue. This thesis aims to find the portrayal of Jess Goldberg’s self-consistency, causes, and effects. For further analysis, the thesis writer uses intrinsic and extrinsic approaches, which deliver several results in return. It shows that Jess Goldberg’s self-consistency develops and enhances as she grows. Her competence and worthiness become the causes of her self-consistency. In return, it affects her psychological discomfort and emotional serenity. Through the analysis of this novel, the thesis writer concludes that Goldberg’s self-consistency helps her to stay on the line of preferences. A slight inconsistency may result in distress and questioning her self-competence.</p> 2024-03-26T13:07:22+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature A Study of Shadow Archetype on Wanda Maximoff in Michael Waldron and Jade Bartlett’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: movie script 2024-03-26T13:08:13+07:00 Vivi Abiyyah Fitrania [email protected] <p>The thesis author focuses on analyze the shadow archetype found on Wanda Maximoff in Michael Waldron and Jade Bartlett’s <em>Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness</em>: movie script. The purpose of the study is to find the potrayal of Wanda Maximoff’s Shadow Archetype, the causes of Shadow Archetype of Wanda Maximoff, and the effects of Shadow Archetype of Wanda Maximoff in Michael Waldron and Jade Bartlett’s <em>Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness</em>: movie script on her envirountment and herself. The author of the thesis applies the theory of Shadow Archetype, the causes of Shadow Archetype, and the effects of Shadow Archetype and the author of the thesis also uses qualitative research. The finding shows that the potrayal of Wanda Maximoff’s Shadow Archetype are that first when Wanda do defensive of a personal, reveal Shadow itself, and deviation of law. And then the causes of Wanda Maximoff’s Shadow are Natural Instinct, Retribution, and Object Influence through dreams, also the effects of Wanda Maximoff’s Shadow Archetype on her envirountment and herself.</p> 2024-03-26T13:08:10+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature Figurative Language In John Legend’s Song 2024-03-26T13:10:09+07:00 IMELDA VERENA NANJUNG [email protected] <p>Knowing a song's lyrics is crucial because they reveal the song's content and the composer's intentions. Every song voiced by John Legend has a deep meaning. This study uses qualitative research in analyzing lyrics. In the song's lyrics, John Legend, You and I, the thesis writer found 4 (four) various language styles, such as paradox, personification, hyperbole, and symbolism. For the lyrics of the song All of Me the thesis writer found 4 (four) types of language style, such as personification, hyperbole, antithesis, and paradox, for the lyrics of the song&nbsp; Ordinary People thesis writer found 2 (two) types of figurative language, namely hyperbole, and paradox, and fourth for the lyrics In the song Glory, the writer of this thesis found 3 (three) various language styles, namely simile, antithesis, and metaphor. The writer of this thesis only identifies 7 (seven) categories of figurative language in the use of four songs by John Legend, namely paradox, personification, hyperbole, antithesis, simile, symbolism, and metaphor. Based on the research results the most dominant figurative language used in John Legend's song lyrics is hyperbole. The thesis writer has a mind and can dive deep to understand the figurative expressions he uses in his work. Therefore, the writer hopes that there will be further research on figurative language.</p> 2024-03-26T13:10:06+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature The Accuracy of Translation Using Google Translate and U-Dictionary App in Video of Jihane Almira Chedid on Miss Supranational 2021 2024-03-26T13:11:26+07:00 RATNA KARTINI [email protected] <p>The translation is defined that knowing the meaning of a language to another language, especially for someone who doesn’t know the importance of the sentence. This study will analyse the translation accuracy using Google Translate and U-Dictionary App in the Video of Jihane Almira Chedid on Miss Supranational 2021. This study used quantitative research and T-Test to analyze the data. This study uses a video of Jihane Almira Chedid on Miss Supranational 2021. The results of the study state that Google Translate is better than U- Dictionary because Google Translate has a high accuracy than U-Dictionary. Google Translate to translate the video of Jihane Almira Chedid on Miss Supranational 2021 have a big mean; based on the analysis, this study state that Google translate is better than U-Dictionary.</p> 2024-03-26T13:11:24+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature The Importance of Understanding English at the International Event, Ironman 70.3 Lombok 2024-03-26T13:12:36+07:00 ASIHTA AULIA AZZAHRA [email protected] Suhartawan Budianto [email protected] <p>Athletes will face a world where English will be used as an international language and become a way ofcommunicating, interacting, and getting information. Due to misunderstandings about markers and big things explained in English, we can get lost and threaten our safety in the race. Therein lies the importance of English inthe world of sports and international events. At the international Triathlon event, Ironman 70.3 Lombok, the organizers used all parts of the activity, and speakers used an international language, namely English. Since most of the athletes come from thirty-three different countries, the organizers must use the international language in allactivities at the event. This article is used to gain an understanding of why English is important in all aspects of our lives. This study will focus on aspects of the life of a triathlon athlete at the Ironman 70.3 Lombok Triathlon event and which part is the most challenging in understanding Triathlon athletes in every direction using English at the International Triathlon 70.3 Lombok event. The question is, ‘How much do athletes understand English at the International Triathlon Ironman 70.3 Lombok event?’. This paper would like to answer that question by usingtheory of Translation Theory.</p> <p>Keywords: Athlete, English, international event, triathlon, Ironman 70.3 Lombok</p> 2024-03-26T13:12:33+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature The Investigation of Interpersonal Meaning in Selena Gomez’s Instagram 2024-03-26T14:01:24+07:00 Flora Anasis [email protected] <p><strong><em>Abstract. </em></strong><em>Riklona is a prescription sedative drug containing the active ingredient Klonazepam which is included in the Psychotropics of the Class IV List. Riklona drug abuse is a crime that can be prosecuted before the court. The formulation of the problem in this study is how are the provisions for the crime of psychotropic abuse in Indonesian legislation and law enforcement by district court judges for cases of criminal abuse of psychotropics class IV of the Riklona type. The type of method applied in this research is normative legal research. Provisions for criminal acts of psychotropic abuse are regulated in Law Number 5 of 1997 concerning Psychotropics, especially Article 4, Article 5 sd Article 7, Article 9 sd Article 14 and the criminal sanctions are contained in Article 59 sd Article 72. Whereas by taking into account the results of the Criminalistic Laboratories on drugs at the time the Defendant was arrested and searched it was proven that they were Psychotropics, thus because the Defendant did not have a permit to control the drugs in question, the Panel of Judges was of the opinion that the element of "distribution of psychotropics" had been fulfilled</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: Crime, Psychotropic Abuse, Group IV, Riklona Type</em></p> 2024-03-26T14:01:21+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature Agoraphobia Study in The Woman in The Window Movie Script by Trecy Letts 2024-03-26T14:02:19+07:00 DICKY FAHMI HAIKAL ISLAM [email protected] <p>This research focused on <em>The Woman In The Window </em>of Anna Fox’s Agoraphobia. The researchers conduct qualitative research using the movie script of <em>The Woman In The Window </em>as source of data. The finding shows that the movie script <em>The Woman In The Window</em> is an expressive script that conveys the message of the Agoraphobia which happens because of traumatic event. Not only in the real world but in the literary work it also happens. Anna Fox who is the main character in <em>The Woman In The Window</em> movie script is an Agoraphobic The cause of agoraphobia is psychosocial background of Anna Fox. The effects is when Anna experiences agoraphobia Anna having risk hard time feeling safe in any strange&nbsp; public places.<br>Keyword: The Woman In The Window, Agoraphobia, Tracy Letts</p> 2024-03-26T14:02:16+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature The Use of Quizizz Application in Online Teaching Present Continuous Tense 2024-03-26T14:03:15+07:00 Mawar Ivanna Sihombing [email protected] RINDRAH KARTININGSIH [email protected] <p>The background of this research is online learning that we do from home due to pandemic Covid 19. Not easy for teachers to teach by online which students just sit down and listen especially in teaching grammar or structure in English. This pandemic “force” the teacher’s creativity to manage the learning process. In that case, the objectives of this research are to know how the Quizizz application applied in teaching present continuous tense grade 4.</p> 2024-03-26T14:03:11+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English on Language and Literature