Online reputation management with an Electronic word of mouth approach

  • Maria Advenita Gita Elmada Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
  • Maria Vina Elmaresa Universitas Indonesia
  • Shabriena Wardhani Universitas Indonesia
  • Wita Adelina Noer Putri Universitas Indonesia
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Keywords: online reputation, online reputation management, social media management, E-WOM


Opportunities for managing online reputation for organizations have now begun to be captured by business activists in the communication technology industry in Indonesia. Several corporations from various industries have tried this service to increase their reputation in the digital world, especially on social media. One of the service companies that started to run an online reputation management business and became the subject of this research is Company S, which provides the service of managing reputation in social media. Company S's managing online reputation will be analyzed using three stages of online reputation management: prevention, reaction, and evaluation. This study uses a qualitative approach and the nature of descriptive research, using case study methods, and collecting data using interviews and observations. As a result, Company S has implemented the process of online reputation management in the service they provide. The use of e-WOM, the presence of influencers, the selection of suitable social media, and attractive content planning also affect the online reputation of the clients' organizations.


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How to Cite
Elmada, M. A. G., Elmaresa, M. V., Wardhani, S., & Putri, W. A. N. (2022). Online reputation management with an Electronic word of mouth approach. Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional, 6(2), 119-128. Retrieved from