Marketing Model of EMC Hospital during COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Liwaul Liwaul Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Hasto Joko Nur Utomo UPN Yogyakarta
  • Sutiyana Fachruddin Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Renil Septiano STIE KBP PADANG
  • Laynita Sari STIE KBP PADANG
Abstract views: 241 , PDF downloads: 169
Keywords: International Label, Content Analysis, Hospital Industry, Marketing Model Discovery


After facing COVID-19 Pandemic, the first thing to be recovered is the hospital and health industry. In order to do so, the improvement of International hospital needs to be studied for the next advancement. The dimension that covers international hospital is the label, sustainable marketing and their social media contents that is to be explored in order to discover something. The advancement of it needs to discover their model of marketing first in order to improve the industry. From the syntax to semantic we could able to perceive the quality of the international standard based on social media content as well as the data aid of related theories and various marketing and financial data that serves as pieces of the path of advanced health and hospital industry recovery after suffering the struggle of COVID-19 Pandemic.



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How to Cite
Liwaul, L., Utomo, H. J. N., Fachruddin, S., Septiano, R., & Sari, L. (2023). Marketing Model of EMC Hospital during COVID-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Komunikasi Profesional, 6(6), 541 - 556.

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