Soetomo Justice <p style="text-align: justify;">Soetomo Justice is a Student Journal published by the Faculty of Law, University of Dr. Soetomo, which will be published periodically, twice a year in February and August, and contains articles, studies, and research results. This journal was originally published as a forum to provide space for students to contribute to the development of law and justice. However, to open up space and access to law bearers, this journal is intended for students, researchers, academics, and practitioners in the context of law and justice development. Soetomo Justice is committed to significantly contributing to the development of legal science, human rights advocacy, public policy, and social justice issues. Established as an academic and professional forum, the journal aims to bridge conceptual and practical thinking in the field of law, making Soetomo Justice a primary source for renewing insights and ideas in legal studies. The journal carries the spirit and values of the struggle of national hero Dr. Soetomo, the founder of the modern movement in Indonesia who aspired to justice, humanity, and freedom of thought as the foundation of nation-building. As a commitment to this vision, Soetomo Justice pays special attention to progressive and contextual legal studies, taking into account social, economic, political, and cultural dynamics.</p> en-US [email protected] (Sri Sukmana Damayanti, S.H., M.Kn) [email protected] (Renda Aranggraeni, S.H., M.H) Mon, 13 Jan 2025 15:28:53 +0700 OJS 60 Discourse on Corruption from an Administrative Law Perspective <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Corruption is implicitly defined as the unlawful misuse of authority, position, or trust to obtain personal gain or benefit from certain groups that may harm the public interest and may harm the public interest. The criminal offense of corruption in its various forms includes extortion, bribery, and gratuities, which have occurred for a long time with perpetrators ranging from state officials to corruption offenses in various forms include extortion, bribery, and gratuities, which have occurred for a long time with perpetrators ranging from state officials to the lowest from state officials to the lowest employees. Corruption essentially starts with a habit, which is not realized by every apparatus. That every official does not realize, starting from the habit of receiving tribute, gifts, bribes, the provision of certain facilities or others, and in the end. Corruption begins with actions that violate accountability. Accountability. Official accountability is embodied in the principle of accountability. Research This research refers to the normative research method, with a statutory, case, and conceptual approach. Statutory, case, and conceptual approaches. This concludes that the criminal offense of corruption is certainly related to administrative law in the context of abuse of authority over the position held.</span></span></p> Lanny Ramli, Muklis Alanam Copyright (c) 2025 Lanny Ramli, Muklis Al’anam Mon, 13 Jan 2025 15:23:42 +0700 Policy Regulations in the Indonesian Legislative System: Position and Testing <p style="text-align: justify;">Policy regulations (beleidsregel) are important instruments in Indonesia's legal system of government. The absence of regulation of this policy in legislation makes its position unclear in the legal system of government in Indonesia and also constrains its material testing. This study aims to explain why the position of beleidsregel is vague or ambiguous in the legal system of government describe what testing mechanisms are applied to beleidsregel and explore the challenges or obstacles faced in testing these policy regulations in Indonesia. The research method used is normative legal research. The results of the research on policy regulations are part of an administrative legal product based on the principle of freedom or discretion. The position of policy regulations is not regulated in the legal system in Indonesia. The absence of regulation of this policy makes its position of material testing a matter of debate, but in current practice, testing is carried out at the State Administrative Court.</p> Laksmana Fajar Bimantara, Ilham Dwi Rafiqi, Ilhaq Choirul Fahmi, Reyhan Fahrel Novaltian Copyright (c) 2025 Laksmana Fajar Bimantara, Ilham Dwi Rafiqi, Ilhaq Choirul Fahmi, Reyhan Fahrel Novaltian Tue, 14 Jan 2025 10:44:44 +0700 Forms of Consumer Protection Due to Illegal Distribution of Blue Etiquette Cosmetics by Manufacturers for Profit <p style="text-align: justify;">In the modern era, beauty and appearance have an important role in social culture. The diversity of the cosmetics market reflects consumer needs for beauty products. However, supervision of imported cosmetic products is still lacking, which allows the circulation of dangerous products. This research aims to identify the obstacles faced by BPOM in tackling the distribution of illegal cosmetics, a step taken by the government to improve public health and carry out supervision through the establishment of BPOM. Illegal cosmetic products that do not have a distribution permit or do not comply with existing regulations are still a problem in society. The research approach uses qualitative methods with a normative legal approach. The literature review involves relevant legal literature to understand applicable legal norms.</p> Sesi Safitri Liani, Nurhadissah Copyright (c) 2025 Sesi Safitri Liani, Nurhadissah Tue, 14 Jan 2025 23:24:13 +0700 Unraveling the Ratio Legis of the HKPD Law on Local Taxes and its Implications for the Community <p style="text-align: justify;">Law No. 1 of 2022 on Financial Relations between the Central Government and Local Governments (HKPD Law) comes as a response to the challenges of implementing fiscal decentralization in Indonesia, particularly in local taxes and levies. This article analyzes the ratio legis behind the birth of the HKPD Law and its implications for society. This research uses a normative approach by examining regulations and Constitutional Court decisions relating to local taxes. The results show that the HKPD Law aims to improve local taxation regulations by strengthening the tax structure, simplifying retribution, and increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of local tax collection. However, this policy also raises potential challenges, such as the impact on the business world, community welfare, and harmonization with other tax policies. Therefore, the implementation of the HKPD Law needs to be closely monitored to achieve the main objectives of fiscal decentralization, namely improving public services and community welfare equally.</p> Muhammad Yustino Aribawa, Sri Sukmana Damayanti, Vallencia Nandya Paramitha, Fathul Hamdani Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Yustino Aribawa, Sri Sukmana Damayanti, Vallencia Nandya Paramitha, Fathul Hamdani Wed, 12 Feb 2025 16:19:10 +0700