Empowering the Amangtiwi-UMKM in Malang through Basic English Language Skill

  • Sekolah Tinggi Informatika dan Komputer Indonesia (STIKI), Malang
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The Micro, small and medium economics community, called UMKM in Indonesia faced several problems in developing their business. The Amangtiwi, one of UMKM community-based in Malang realizes to decrease the barriers such as managerial skills, financial flow, and quality of human resources. In term of human resources quality, English skill becomes one of barrier faced by this community recently. The academics are responsible to provide English language short training related to their purpose. It is kind of empowering program that supports the UMKM in facing globalization era. At the end of the training, occurs several benefits that can be implemented for their business. The members are practically comprehending the English terms and able to practice simple conversation in their business activity. The next training, the others trainers should be conducted continuously and grouping the members by the level of knowledge.


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