Menambah penghasilan keluarga dengan memanfaatkan media sosial di kalangan ibu-ibu rumah tangga

  • Universitas dr Soetomo
  • Universitas dr Soetomo
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Without having to leave home, by not leaving domestic work, mothers can still be productive and generate additional income for the family. Advances in information technology make it possible. However, not all technology literate mothers and can use social media to sell online. There are two things that they do not understand correctly, how to use social media to sell, and how to trade safely online. These two things are the focus of learning in this community service. From the results of the learning done, it is known that selling online using social media is very attractive to mothers. Besides being able to do it casually, they also have no difficulty in practicing it. After this learning and training session, it is hoped that homemakers will be more enthusiastic and optimistic about selling online.


Keywords: Social Media; Sell; Online Transactions


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