Pengolahan sampah melalui bank sampah guna meningkatkan nilai ekonomi masyarakat

  • Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
  • Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
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Waste bank is one of the strategies for implementing the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) in waste management at the community level using an economic incentive pattern. The government's program to reduce waste has generated a new innovation, namely by establishing a “waste bank”. Integrated waste processing can stimulate creativity and innovation in society so as to improve the welfare of residents. Garbage can be a source of economic empowerment for the community, by recycling it into unique items that generate money. Community service programs in the form of counseling and the practice of recycling household food scraps are implemented in Gambir Anom Hamlet RT.03 RW.07 Desa Keboan Anom Sidoarjo, this activity will be very beneficial for residents considering the use of food waste, vegetables and leaves can be used as liquid fertilizer , compost while plastic waste can be used as various crafts. With a cost of ± IDR 45,000 / 20 kg for the purchase of used buckets, paralon, woven wire and EM4 as well as yeast, leftover food, vegetables and leaves can produce liquid fertilizer and compost instead of chemical fertilizers which are more expensive. Meanwhile, plastic waste can be used as decorative flowers, bags, and other handicrafts with an average selling price of IDR 10,000. Counseling and training on waste processing is expected to provide an understanding to the community of the importance of protecting the environment by obtaining added value from an economic side.


Key words: Compost Fertilizer; Leftovers; Organic trash; Training; Recycling.


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