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In aquaculture, many factors must be considered so that the cultivation business is successful with high production, one of the factors that influence the cultivation business is a fish disease. For this reason, it is necessary to diagnose fish diseases. in the laboratory to determine the health status of fish and the normal standard of fish blood picture. The research method used was descriptive with samples of Betok, Lele, and Patin fish, from the traders on the banjarbaru market with the observed health variable being the blood component (Hct, RBC, Hb). The results of the research for Betok fish were Hct = 39%, RBC 3.52 X106/mm3, Hb = 5.60 gr/dl. Lele fish Hct=33,28%,RBC= 4,5x 10°mm/dl,Hb=7.03 gr/dl. Patin fish Hct=24%, RBC=2,9 X 106/mm3, Hb=7.0 gr/dl. the three components of fish health blood variables (Hct, RBC, Hb) were still in normal condition so that the fish sampled could be declared healthy.

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Author Biographies

Anny Rimalia, Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Pertanian

Yulius Kisworo, Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin

Program Studi Budidaya Perairan Fakultas Pertanian

How to Cite
Rimalia, A., & Kisworo, Y. (2022). DIAGNOSA DARAH SEBAGAI INDIKATOR KESEHATAN IKAN BETOK (Anabas testudineus Bloch), IKAN LELE (Clarias batracus) DAN IKAN PATIN (Pangasius hypopthalmus). TECHNO-FISH, 5(2), 76-83.


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