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Sulamu waters are a marine area on Timor Island and have high potential for tuna (Euthynnus affinis) resources. This research aims to determine the CPUE value, sustainable potential and level of utilization of tuna in Sulamu waters so that it is hoped that it can be used as information in managing tuna in Sulamu waters. The method used in this research is the survey method and direct observation. Data processing uses Microsoft Excel 2019 with the Schaefer method. The research results show that the CPUE value has tended to decrease in the last 10 years, the optimum fishing effort value is 4820.12893 trips per year and the maximum sustainable catch value is 11812.62711 Kg per year. The utilization rate of Tuna Fish exceeds 80%, namely 112-134%.

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How to Cite
Sambein, L. L., Leonidas Kangkan, A., & Boikh, L. I. (2024). POTENSI LESTARI IKAN TONGKOL (Euthynnus affinis) DI PERAIRAN SULAMU, KABUPATEN KUPANG. TECHNO-FISH, 7(2), 224-238.


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