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The administration of anesthesia with appropriate concentrations during closed-transportation activities is crucial for suppressing metabolic activity and preventing stress that may lead to mortality. Indirectly, fish behavior can determine whether the utilized manfish experience mortality. This study aims to describe the behavior of manfish (Pterophyllum scalare) at various concentrations. The method employed is experimental with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatment replicates. Parameters observed include induction time, sedation time, as well as post-anesthesia behavior and during the fish recovery process. Based on the research results, the post-anesthesia behavior of manfish until sedation is characterized by halted body movement, complete loss of consciousness, and fish remaining stationary at the bottom of the transport container, with the fastest induction time recorded at 10.649±0.54 seconds in treatment D. Meanwhile, recovery behavior is characterized by active, fast, and normal operculum rate and swimming, as well as responsiveness to external stimuli, with the fastest sedation time occurring in treatment B, at 500.851±16.66 seconds


anesthesia; immobilization; induction time; recovery consciousness; sedation time

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How to Cite
-, J., & Ghaida Anrose, Z. A. (2024). DESCRIPTION OF POST-ANESTHESIA BEHAVIOR OF MANSIFH (Pterophyllum scalare) WITH CLOVE OIL (Syzygium aromaticum) AT VARIED CONCENTRATIONS: Abstract, Introduction, Material and Metode, Result and Discussion, Conclusion, Reference. TECHNO-FISH, 43-52.


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