Teknoboyo 2021-07-13T16:43:34+07:00 Bambang Sigit [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>This journal as the discussion focused on the challenges of development of scientific knowledge in business, engineering and the most feasible way of addresseing challenge. The filler journal is devoted to the lecturers of the faculty of agriculture Unitomo agricultural technology, and faculty from various universities An attempt was made to represent as much as possible of the groups and organizations working in areas related to the theme of this journal. All papers will be published in this journal will be adjusted in line with the Conference Proceedings ISBN. Selected manuscripts will be published in the International Journal indexed by Scopus, by first contacting the author</p><p><strong>P-ISSN : </strong><a href=""><strong>2581-1908</strong></a></p><p><strong>E-ISSN : <a href=""><span>2597-3843</span></a></strong></p> Microbiologycal Aspect And Sensory Quality Of Soymilk And Cowpeamilk Kefir 2021-07-13T16:43:34+07:00 [email protected] <p>Kefir susu kedelai dan susu kacang tunggak merupakan produk fermentasi yang dibuat dari inokulasi biji kefir kedalam susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya. Dalam penelitian ini diamati efek dari penambahan biji kefir (konsentrasi 2%, 4%, dan 6% w/v) dan jenis susu nabati sebagai susbstrat fermentasi (susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya) terhadap karakteristik mikrobiologi dan evaluasi sensori minuman kefir sehingga didapatkan kombinasi perlakuan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan standar mutu produk kefir. Karakteristik mikrobiologi yang diamati meliputi populasi bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan populasi khamir (yeast). Sedangkan evaluasi sensori yang diamati antara lain kenampakan, gas yang terbentuk, aroma, tingkat keasaman, kemanisan, viskositas, dan <em>beany flavour</em> yang terbentuk. Perbedaan konsentrasi biji kefir berpengaruh nyata terhadap rerata total BAL dengan rerata tertinggi 7,23 log cfu/mL, sedangkan perbedaan substrat fermentasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap rerata total BAL dan khamir dalam produk kefir.</p><p>Soymilk kefir and cowpea milk kefir is a fermented products made from kefir grain inoculation into soymilk, cowpea milk and their mixed. In this research were evaluate the effect of kefir grain concentration (2%, 4%, and 6% w/v) and kinds of vegetables milk as substrate fermentation (soymilk, cowpea milk, and their mixed) to the microbiological characterization and sensory evaluation of kefir to obtain the right treatment combination and in accordance with the quality standards of kefir products. Microbiological characteristics observed include population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts. Whereas the sensory evaluation observed the form of appearance, bubbles, sourness, sweetness, viscosity and beany flavour. The differences of kefir grain concentration significantly affected the average of total LAB with the highest average is 7.23 log cfu/mL, while the differences of fermentation substrate significantly affected the average of total LAB and yeasts.</p><p><strong>Key words</strong>: kefir kacang kedelai, kefir kacang tunggak, evaluasi sensori kefir</p>Heni Adhianata. Program Studi Seni Kuliner. Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri OTTIMMO Internasional. Jl. Bukit Telaga Golf TC 4, No. 2-3, Citraland, Surabaya. <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> 2018-03-21T11:04:50+07:00 Copyright (c) 2018 Teknoboyo Phytochemical Screenings and Antioxidant Activity Assay of Sedap Malam Flower Syrup (Polianthes tuberosa Linn.) 2021-07-13T16:43:32+07:00 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] <p>Bunga sedap malam (<em>Polianthes tuberosa Linn</em>) merupakan bunga yang banyak dikembangkan di Indonesia yang ditengarai mengandung beberapa komponen antioksidan serta memiliki aroma yang kuat, sehingga bunga sedap malam dapat diaplikasikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sirup tinggi antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rasio fruktosa yang ditambahkan pada bunga sedap malam dan lama waktu pembekuan terhadap aktivitas antioksidan melalui metode DPPH, serta mengetahui golongan senyawa fitokimia yang terkandung pada sirup bunga sedap malam melalui metode skrining. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prosentase aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi pada perlakuan rasio fruktosa : bunga sedap malam sebesar 1:2 dengan lama waktu pembekuan 24 jam yakni 8,88%. Sedangkan aktivitas antioksidan terendah sebesar 4,40% didapatkan pada rasio fruktosa : bunga sedap malam sebesar 1:1 dengan lama waktu pembekuan 6 jam. Melalui skrining senyawa fitokimia didapatkan hasil bahwa sirup bunga sedap malam mengandung komponen bioaktif yakni golongan terpenoid/steroid bebas, flavonoid serta polifenol. Sedangkan untuk senyawa alkaloid dan saponin didapatkan hasil yang negatif.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> bunga sedap malam, sirup, skrining fitokimia, aktivitas antioksidan.</p> 2018-03-21T11:04:54+07:00 Copyright (c) 2018 Teknoboyo Chemical And Organoleptic Qualities Of Catfish Sausage (Pangasius Hypophtalmus) With The Addition Of Carrots (Daucus Carota) 2021-07-13T16:43:30+07:00 [email protected] [email protected] <p class="DefaultCxSpFirst">This study effect of adding carrot to the characteristics of catfish sausages with the addition of carrots. This study used a completely randomized design. The addition of carrot treatment consisted of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% of the total weight of catfish. The parametters observed include chemistry analysis consisting of moisture content, ash content, carbohydrate content, protein content, and fat content while organoleptic analysis includes texture, color, flavor and taste.</p><p class="DefaultCxSpMiddle">This object of study was the catfish sausage with tthe addition of carrots consisting of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. The study population was catfish and carrot meat. Sampling technique <em>“Simple Random Sampling”</em>. Samples form this study were catfish and carrots obtained from the market Manukan Kulon Surabaya. Analysis of data with analysis of single classification variant to know the preferences of the community using organoleptic analysis and laboratory tests for chemical analysis.</p><p class="DefaultCxSpMiddle">The result of this study have differences in organoleptic quality of catfish sausages with the addition of different carrots treatment consisted of 0%,10%, 20%, 30%, dan 40%. Laboratory test result of sausage carbohydrate levels 22,19%, protein 17,51%, fat 18,47%, water content 50%, ash content 1,04% dan</p><p class="DefaultCxSpMiddle">β – karoten 0,223mg/100gr. </p><p class="DefaultCxSpMiddle"> </p><p class="DefaultCxSpLast">Keywords : carrot, proximat, organoleptic, catfish sausage</p> 2018-03-21T11:04:58+07:00 Copyright (c) 2018 Teknoboyo Effects Of Sand And Sugar Consentration Rosella (Hisbiscus Sabdariffalinn) Against Quality Of Jelly Candy 2021-07-13T16:43:27+07:00 [email protected] [email protected] <p>Jelly candy is one type of soft candy that has a characteristic chewy but easy to chew. Making rosella as a candy in the hope that these products have more vitamin content than in general candys. This study aims to determine the concentration of rosella extract and sugar right to organoleptic quality and vitamin C content in making candy jelly. Experiment used a Completely Randomized Design (RAL) with 2 factors: rosella extraction (2.5%, 3.75% and 5%) and sugar (54%, 56% and 58%) each treatment was repeated 3 times. Determination of best treatment of all parameters of the study was conducted by using the effectiveness test. The result of this research on treatment of rosella extract concentration 3,75% and sugar 58%, with result value (NH) that is 0,86 with average parameter of vitamin C content = 19,17%, sugar content reduction 2,44% , flavor = 5.20 (kinda like), aroma = 4.38 (neutral), color = 5.65 (kinda like) and elasticity = 5.13 (kinda like).</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Keywords: Jelly candy, concentration: rosella and sugar.</p> 2018-03-21T11:05:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2018 Teknoboyo The Effect Of Different Proportions Red Dragon Fruit Skin On Antioxidant Activity And Organoleptic Quality Red Dragon Fruit Skin Syrup (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) 2021-07-13T16:43:25+07:00 [email protected] [email protected] <p>Dragon fruit is kind of plant that has a lot of advantage. Beside the flesh of the fruit, the fruit skin has an advantage as another food product, because it contains antioxidants. Purpose of the research was to determine the best proportion of red dragon fruit skin against antioxidant activity and the most preferred organoleptic qualities in dragon fruit skin syrup. The benefit of this research is to add knowledge about utilization of waste especially red dragon fruit skin into healthful syrup and create diversity of new processed food products. Research method used is laboratory experimental method. Direct data collection of subject symptoms in real and artificial situations in laboratory experimental activities. The method designs by using complete randomized design (RAL). Result of the research are red dragon fruit syrup with different proportions significant effect on antioxidant activity and organoleptic quality. The best treatment is in the treatment of F3 (proportion of red dragon fruit skin 550 grams), with the best results (NH) 0,92 with parameter criteria, antioxidant activity 58,45%, IC<sub>50</sub> 217,46 ppm, color 5,41 (rather like), taste 5,45 (rather like), flavor 4,29 (neutral).</p><p> </p><p>Key words : red dragon fruit skin, antioxidant. </p> 2018-03-21T11:05:01+07:00 Copyright (c) 2018 Teknoboyo