The Teachers’ Knowledge on Classroom Control and Management

  • Rizal Fadli
  • Soviana Damayanti
Abstract views: 42 , PDF downloads: 51


This article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying the concepts of
classroom management and control by teachers. The research explored the
teachers’ knowledge on classroom management and how it was acquired. This
study also surveyed participants' levels of various concepts on how teachers
establish and maintain control of the classroom, including dominant and
enriching rule-based concepts. This study utilized a mixed method approach, in
which the quantitative part included a rating scale in and answers to open
questions of the interview in the qualitative part. The subject's response was
recorded and notes were taken. The data is first transcribed and checked again for
grammatical errors. The method used to determine the common themes that
appear among the interviewees is the constant comparison and analysis
induction. The main finding of this research is that rule-based concepts dominate.
In their answers to open-ended questions, almost all teachers mentioned the
concept of rule-based, especially consistent rule making and following, which is
very important for teachers' ability to control the classroom. Some teachers
expressed alternative concepts of domination and nurturing. Even teachers who
agreed with the concept of domination or upbringing showed strong support for the
concept of rules. The importance of this research to classroom practice is that
knowing how to manage the classroom is one of the most important characteristics
of quality teaching. Therefore, both new and old teachers, it is important to find
the best way to manage the classroom in order to create a peaceful atmosphere
for high-quality learning.
Keywords: Classroom management; teacher knowledge; classroom control;
awareness of classroom management; effective teaching
