The Effort of Gender Stereotypes Eradication as Reflected on Kimberly Brubaker Bradley’s Ballerino Nate

  • Dimas Eko Saputro
  • Vesha Dillah Andriyanti
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Gender issue is still a thing that pays a lot of attention in a society where consistency of
the grouping of gender has been discussed for generations as a long-handed social
category. This results in human who have been reflected to understand their grouping
early based on their gender identity, but this will give a negative impact on someone.
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley in her work Ballerino Nate tells the story of discrimination
against gender through the rejection that should be a dancer and join dance which is for
women and not for men. The question is: How Ballerino Nate Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
may contribute to gender stereotypes eradication? By qualitative research method is used
to explain the perspectives of Ben who is against Nate’s desire and Nate’s parents and
another person who supports Nate to be a dancer. In conclusion, Ballerino Nate the work
of Kimberly Brubaker Bradley shows the perspective of Ben's discrimination against Nate
and compares the perspective of support from their parents and another person given to
Keywords: Ballerino Nate; Gender Stereotype; Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
