Automatic Garden Umbrella Prototype with Light and Rain Sensor Based on Arduino Uno Microcontroller

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Design of Automatic Garden Umbrella Prototype with Light and Rain Sensor Based on Arduino Uno Microcontroller downloads: 0
Design of Automatic Garden Umbrella Prototype with Light and Rain Sensor Based on Arduino Uno Microcontroller downloads: 0
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Keywords: Umbrella, Garden, DC Motor, LDR, Light and Rain Sensor, L298N, Arduino Uno.


Park is a green open space widely used by the community to carry out various activities ranging from recreation, playing, sports, and other passive activities. Current weather conditions are often uncertain. This makes people inconvenient when it rains suddenly, especially when outdoors such as in parks. Because if they don't immediately take shelter when it rains, it can make the body sick, besides that, rainwater can damage the non-waterproof gadgets they carry. In other conditions, when the weather is bright, and the sun is shining hot, it can make people feel hot and lazy to do outdoor activities in the park. Therefore, an automatic umbrella tool was made that functions as a shelter in the garden. In this tool, there is a light sensor module and also a rain sensor, which is controlled with the Arduino Uno microcontroller as an input data processor and an L298N motor driver, which functions to regulate the speed and direction of the DC motor rotation (to the right and left) as an umbrella drive. When the motor rotates to the right, the umbrella will open, while when the motor rotates to the left, the umbrella will close again.


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