Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:
A. General Requirements
The minimum standard requirements of Inform: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi must be
- Manuscripts sent to the editor in the form of Indonesian or English must be accompanied by an abstract and keywords in English.
- Written in English, paper size A4.
- Typed in the form of one (1) column.
- Writing distance between rows is 1 (one) space.
- Format margin is Single line spacing - Mirror Margins: Top 1,78 cm, Bottom 1,78 cm, Left 1,65 cm, and Right 1,65 cm.
- Posts in the Times new roman 10 with MS Word word processor.
- Pictures are numbered and the title of the picture as well as written below the image at a distance of 1 (one) space.
- Table by table number and title of the table as well as written above the table with a distance of 1 (one) space.
- The author’s name should be accompanied by a complete affiliation address and corresponding email.
- The length of the submitted paper is at least 6 pages and no more than 12 pages. Editors will be evaluated if the papers are needing more pages than 12 pages.
- Use a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose the IEEE style.
- Make sure that your paper is prepared using the IJAIR template
- The article will be followed statements on the INFORM's Ethical Statement and Copyright Transfer Agreement.
B. Structure of The Manuscript
The manuscript must be prepared and suggested present follow the structure:
- Title. The title of paper typing in sentence case, without Acronym or abbreviation, case study
- Abstract. The abstract was written a general description of the content of the manuscript with the provisions of no more than 250 words and typed in a spacing of 1 (one) with the font Times New Roman. No citation; Abstract background containing the problem; The solution offered; Research design; Methods used; Results of experiments; Analysis of test results, and conclusions.
- Section structure. Authors are suggested to present their articles in the “IMRaD” format refers to a paper that is structured by main sections: Introduction-Methods-Results and Discussion-Conclusion-Acknowledgement-References.
- Introduction – The introduction explains why this research is important or necessary or important. Begin by describing the problem or situation that motivates the research. Move to discuss the current state of research in the field; then reveal a “gap” or problem in the field. Finally, explain how the present research is a solution to that problem or gap. If the study has hypotheses, they are presented at the end of the introduction.
- Methods – The methods section tells readers how you conducted your study. It includes information about your population, sample, methods, and equipment. The “gold standard” of the methods section is that it should enable readers to duplicate your study. Methods sections typically use subheadings; they are written in the past tense, and they use a lot of passive voice. This is typically the least-read section of an IMRaD report.
- Results and Discussion – In this section, you present your findings. Typically, the Results section contains only the findings, not any explanation of or commentary on the findings (see below). Results sections are usually written in the past tense. Make sure all tables and figures are labeled and numbered separately. Captions go above tables and beneath figures. In this Discussion section, you summarize your main findings, comment on those findings (see below), and connect them to other research. You also discuss the limitations of your study and use these limitations as reasons to suggest additional, future research.
- Conclusion - Summarize sentences the primary outcomes of the study in a paragraph. Are the claims in this section supported by the results, do they seem reasonable? Have the authors indicated how the results relate to expectations and earlier research? Does the article support or contradict previous theories? Does the conclusion explain how the research has moved the body of scientific knowledge forward?.
- References - Minimal reference used was 20 reference dates (at least 5 years of writing articles, unless the discussion is limited) Content writing is not the responsibility of the editor, and the editor reserves the right to make changes and correct grammar in every script that is loaded.