Comparison of Memetic Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm on Nurse Picket Scheduling at Public Health Center

  • Nico Nico UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
  • Novrido Charibaldi UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
  • Yuli Fauziah UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta
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Keywords: Memetic Algorithm, Genetic Algorithm, Runtime, Data Convergence, Picket Scheduling



One of the most significant aspects of the working world is the concept of a picket schedule. It is difficult for the scheduler to make an archive since there are frequently many issues with the picket schedule. These issues include schedule clashes, requests for leave, and trading schedules. Evolutionary algorithms have been successful in solving a wide variety of scheduling issues. Evolutionary algorithms are very susceptible to data convergence. But no one has discussed where to start from, where the data converges from making schedules using evolutionary algorithms. The best algorithms among evolutionary algorithms for scheduling are genetic algorithms and memetics algorithms. When it comes to the two algorithms, using genetic algorithms or memetics algorithms may not always offer the optimum outcomes in every situation. Therefore, it is necessary to compare the genetic algorithm and the algorithm's memetic algorithm to determine which one is suitable for the nurse picket schedule. From the results of this study, the memetic algorithm is better than the genetic algorithm in making picket schedules. The memetic algorithm with a population of 10000 and a generation of 5000 does not produce convergent data. While for the genetic algorithm, when the population is 5000 and the generation is 50, the data convergence starts. For accuracy, the memetic algorithm violates only 24 of the 124 existing constraints (80,645%). The genetic algorithm violates 27 of the 124 constraints (78,225%). The average runtime used to generate optimal data using the memetic algorithm takes 20.935592 seconds. For the genetic algorithm, it takes longer, as much as 53.951508 seconds.


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How to Cite
Nico, N., Charibaldi, N., & Fauziah, Y. (2022). Comparison of Memetic Algorithm and Genetic Algorithm on Nurse Picket Scheduling at Public Health Center. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR), 4(1), 9-23.