Cargo Simulation Robot Prototype with Bluetooth Based Motor Driver Shield Using Arduino Uno Microcontroller

  • Yudi Irawan Chandra STMIK Jakarta STI&K
  • Irfan STMIK Jakarta STI&K
  • Anargya Satya Rifisyah Putro STMIK Jakarta STI&K
Abstract views: 345 , PDF downloads: 492
Keywords: Cargo Simulation Robot, Bluetooth, Motor Driver, Arduino Uno


From the android developer website, it can be seen that the number of android users in the world is increasing. Almost 70% of the world's people use Android as their gadget. Nevertheless, today's average person uses android gadgets only to send messages, social media, and telephone. Furthermore, they do not realize they can increase the ease and sophistication of other things in the world and are very useful for everyday things and certain things in life. In today's modern era, many communication types of equipment have an intelligent system or what is commonly referred to as a smartphone. Modern society uses branded gadgets as a lifestyle. Today, the average person uses android gadgets only to send messages, social media, and telephone. When using Bluetooth, applications are generally used to exchange data. However, now Bluetooth is not only used to communicate with telephones or computers but can also be used to command an electronic device according to the needs of its users. The purpose of this research is to create a robot simulation that can be controlled using Bluetooth to move an item to facilitate human work, relieve heavy tasks that have a high risk, for example carrying goods in the factory and reduce accidents in terms of carrying goods, and able to be controlled things remotely as desired by utilizing Bluetooth media using the Arduino Uno-based L293D Motor Shield Driver.


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How to Cite
Chandra, Y. I., Irfan, & Anargya Satya Rifisyah Putro. (2022). Cargo Simulation Robot Prototype with Bluetooth Based Motor Driver Shield Using Arduino Uno Microcontroller. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (IJAIR), 4(1), 1-8.