the Need Analysis of Simon in Karen M. McManus’ One of Us is Lying

Need Analysis of Simon in Karen M. McManus’ One of Us is Lying

  • Abu Fanani Fanani UIN Sunan Ampel
  • Heny UIN Sunan Ampel
  • Fathur UIN Sunan Ampel
  • Thoriq UIN Sunan Ampel
  • Amiq UIN Sunan Ampel
Abstract views: 165 , PDF 40-55 downloads: 102
Keywords: physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, self-esteem needs, self-actualization needs


The purpose of the study is to explain Simon’s need in Karen M. McManus’ One of Us is Lying. The main character's inner experiences in a school environment that is completely limited because he feels abandoned by his circle of friends. However, this makes him a figure feared and seen by his friends so that he does not become a person who is neglected by the environment and achieves a better life with various efforts based on his potential to actualize himself. Using Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs as well as descriptive and dramatic method, the researcher finds that Simon undergoes Maslow’s need hierarchy: physiological needs, safety needs, love and belonging needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Besides, this finding a challenge to the previous studies since the previous studies do not use Maslow’s theory of hierarchy needs in their analysis in the same novel.
