Analysis of the situation of education in Indonesia-Malaysia border region (Studies in Puring Kencana, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan)

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The education situation in the border area of Puring Kencana require attention for the parties concerned, either in the local or central level. Conducting quality education in order to improve the quality of human resources is still a mere chimera. The condition of the education of children living in the border area of Puring Kencana is still very alarming when compared with education that exist in other border regions in Kapuas Hulu. Education in the border areas of Puring Kencana not have bulding of high school, so children who come from this area there is a select school in Serawak, Malaysia. Educational facilities and infrastructure is still very minimal. This research uses qualitative research methods. Exploration carried out in the border region of Puring Kencana. An overview of the educational problems in the border region of Puring Kencana retrieved directly by asking to local people about the problems of education. The findings of this research show that the expansion of public access at the border of Puring Kencana get the expansion of secondary education is still not affordable. Then, the strategy of Education development policy in the border region of Kencana Puring should be comfirm to the data that complies with the conditions of education in the border to draw up proper education model of development in the region the border.

Author Biography

, Universitas Tanjungpura

Prodi Sosiologi

Universitas Padjadjaran


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