Writing Scientific Papers Training for Elementary School Teachers in Pademawu Pamekasan

  • Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
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Scientific writing is one of the requirements in the promotion of elementary school teachers. However, the elementary school teachers who make scientific work are still very limited. The teachersare still experiencing difficulties for the promotion because of the requirements to write scientific papers. It is estimated that teachers have difficulty in writing scientific papers due to lack of knowledge and ability in making scientific papers. For this reason, there must be an activity to provide knowledge and skills for elementary school teachers, especially elementary school teachers in Pademawu Pamekasan  in the form of training or workshops for the writing of scientific papers. This activity has been carried out in conjunction with the KKN 2019 period and was followed by 30 (thirty) elementary school teachers in Pademawu Pamekasan. The methods used in this training are questions and answers, demonstrations, and practices. The target of this training activity is to obtain significant knowledge for elementary school teachers in Pademawu Pamekasan about how a teacher has the will and skills to make scientific papers so as to increase knowledge and at the same time increase his/her income. Another achievement is to obtain a picture of the teacher's ability to write scientific papers on how to identify, choose, and formulate research topics; arrange and organize the writing framework; collect reference materials as a basis for written theory; pouring ideas into written form; check the level of authenticity of scientific papers that have been made; as well as publishing scientific papers that have been made.


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