Pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik bernilai jual

  • Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya
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Watutulis village is the name of one of the villages in the lowlands, geographically this village is a small village that is very beautiful, the place is located north of the Krian District. In this village there are still many towering trees and lush, as well as very green rice fields. Watutulis villagers are very welcoming. Concerning the problem of plastic waste in Watutulis Village, Sekelor Utara Hamlet RT 001 RW 006, RT 002 RW 006, and RT 003 RW 006 Some residents of Sekelor Utara Hamlet still lack awareness in processing household plastic waste. Most of them are not aware of the importance of managing household plastic waste to make the village cleaner and healthier. Residents of North Sekelor Hamlet have no awareness of disposing or utilizing plastic waste. In addition, in the North Sekelor Hamlet area there are still empty gardens which are only used as landfills or burning trash. So it can be said that the people in the Sekelor Utara Hamlet area are still lacking in optimizing vacant land for better waste management. Therefore there needs to be community awareness of how citizens love the environment so that it becomes a clean and healthy Hamlet.

Keywords: Management of Plastic Waste; Garbage Bank


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