Kualitas layanan dalam industri retail modern

  • Bunda Mulia University
  • Bunda Mulia University
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The outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic had been made a massive impact, a number of business reported have to furloughing the worker, even rid of their employee due to saving their money. Meanwhile Indonesia had a surge amount of active workers age, if the situation wouldn’t be able to subdue, the number of unemployment would increased subsequently. In a part of Tridarma of higher education, our community Service Activities was conducted in Alfa retail group. The main reason are: the company doesn’t abdicate the responsibility of lost sales forcing to cut off employee payment. Therefore, the result of this activity expected to handle the supply and demand in labor market and responding the government law on Pemendag number 55/2019 to giving a proper training to made people acquaintance in retail industry




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