Pengaruh pelatihan kerja, disiplin, dan pengembangan karier terhadap kinerja karyawan burger king surabaya, dengan kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel moderator

  • Universitas dr Soetomo
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The success of a company is not only determined by the form of a complete structure or organizational structure, but also is influenced by the human resources in it, including the ability of employees to be able to improve high performance for the company. High employee performance can be pursued through the development of factors that can affect employee performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of job training, work discipline, and career development on employee performance at Burger King Surabaya. In addition to knowing how the moderation of job satisfaction variables in this study. The study population was 40 employees of Burger King Surabaya using purposive sampling techniques. Data analysis techniques using moderated regression analysis. Based on the results of the study note that job training and work discipline affect employee performance, job satisfaction affects employee performance, job satisfaction does not moderate the effect of job training on employee performance, job satisfaction moderates the effect of work discipline on employee performance with quasi-moderator forms, and Job satisfaction does not moderate the influence between career development on the performance of Burger King Surabaya employees.

Keywords: job training; work discipline; career development; employee performance; job satisfaction



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