Pengaruh beban kerja dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru sdit at-taqwa surabaya dengan sistem informasi manajemen sebagai variabel intervening

  • Universitas dr Soetomo
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This study aims to determine the effect of Workload and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance of SDIT At-Taqwa with Management Information Systems as Intervening Variables. The population in this study was 58 respondents and 58 samples using saturated / census samples included in non-probability sampling. The analysis tool uses questionnaire data that is processed using the SmartPls application by testing the validity and reliability of the data. In testing the hypothesis, this study also uses Partial Least Square analysis tools. The test results show the variable X1 Workload has a significant effect on the variable Y Teacher performance is indicated by the t-statistic value (16,356) greater than T table (2.00) and Z Management Information System with the t statistical value (2,528), the variable X2 Work Motivation significant effect on the variable Z management information system with a statistical t value (7.885) greater than T table (2.00). If seen from the P Value which is less than 0.5, it can be interpreted that H1, H4 and H5 in this study were accepted. Whereas for the effect of work motivation X2 on teacher performance Y, the effect of management information system Z on teacher performance Y, the effect of workload XI and work motivation X2 on teacher performance Y through management information system Z as an intervening variable were not proven to have a significant effect. From these results it can be interpreted that H2, H3, H6 and H7 in this study were rejected.

Keywords: workload; work motivation; management information system; teacher performance


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