Analisis budaya organisasi, kepemimpinan transformasional terhadap kinerja pegawai melalui motivasi sebagai variabel intervening pada kantor imigrasi ponorogo

  • Universitas dr Soetomo
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The purpose of this study was to determine the direct influence of organizational culture on the motivation of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, to know the direct influence of transformational leadership on the motivation of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, to determine the direct influence of organizational culture on the performance of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, Knowing the direct influence between transformational leadership on the performance of the Ponorogo immigration office employees, knowing the direct influence between motivation on the performance of the Ponorogo immigration office employees, knowing the indirect influence between organizational culture on the performance of the Ponorogo immigration office employees with motivation as an intervening variable and knowing the influence directly indirect between transformational leadership on the performance of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office with motivation as an intervening variable. The sample consisted of 55 employees of the Ponorogo Immigration Office. Data analysis was performed by path analysis. The results show that there is an influence of organizational culture on the motivation of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, there is an influence of transformational leadership on the motivation of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, there is an influence of organizational culture on the performance of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, there is an influence of transformational leadership on the performance of employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, there is an influence motivation on the performance of the employees of the Ponorogo immigration office, there is an indirect influence of organizational culture on the performance of the Ponorogo immigration office employees with motivation as an intervening variable, there is an indirect effect of transformational leadership on the performance of the employees of the Ponorogo immigration office with motivation as an intervening variable.


Keywords: organizational culture; transformational leadership; motivation; employee performance


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