Ragam Budaya Dengan Segala Intrinsik Dunia

  • Fathimatuz Zuhro UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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Keywords: Intrinsic, Cultural diversity, Intercultural Communication, Culture


This article is a review which is a critical reading of a handbook titled Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation on the study of intercultural communication and cooperation written by Alexander Thomas, Eva Ulrike Kinast, Sylvia Schroll Machl in 2010. In this review, besides discussed the review of the contents of the book and the thematic content he initiated, also presents various examples of case study analyzes that occur in the field. This review discusses all kinds of things that exist in cultures that occur throughout the world. Starting from intercultural communication, intercultural collaboration, intercultural languages, intercultural management, and various other intrinsic elements regarding multicultural matters. The purpose of this book review is to provide a presentation of ideas on intercultural studies and at the same time provide explanations on the main aspects of intercultural cooperation. We will look at the dynamic triangle of applied interculturalism, which concerns aspects of self, differences, and intercultural elements in the review of this book.


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