Implementasi Kebijakan Peraturan Walikota Surabaya Nomor 56 Tahun 2022 Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Tanah Kalikedinding Ii/ 252 Kota Surabaya
Social Assistance is an important step in the development of social welfare in a country. In general, social assistance is distributed to people who have low incomes and experience difficulties in meeting their basic needs. Therefore, a mayoral regulation was issued which regulates data collection on beneficiary communities so that social assistance can be properly distributed, especially assistance for educational activities in elementary schools, in accordance with the analysis of the policy implementation approach model formulated by George Edward III. In George Edward III's theory, it is stated that there are four aspects that influence the success of policy implementation, namely communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure.
The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, where the main instrument in the research is the researcher himself. The data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data related to the empirical situation and condition of policy implementation. In this study, the authors also used interview research to obtain primary data regarding the implementation of the Surabaya mayoral regulation policy number 56 of 2022 at Tanah Kalikedinding II / 252 public elementary school, Surabaya city.
The results of the study show that the implementation of the MBR program at SDN Tanah Kalikedinding II/252 can be said to be lacking in the communication/socialization aspect. Information disseminated from schools to students and parents of students is still unclear, causing confusion and jealousy among parents because there are those who should receive assistance but in fact do not receive assistance. However, all resources have also been fulfilled and the disposition of the executors in implementing the MBR program is also quite good, this is evidenced by their effective performance so that they can provide services to students. In addition, the existence of technical guidelines for implementing and dividing tasks between agencies and good cooperation from program implementing organizations also adds to the success of implementing the Low-Income Community program.
Keywords: Implementation, George Edward III Model and Low Income Communities
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