Microbiologycal Aspect And Sensory Quality Of Soymilk And Cowpeamilk Kefir

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Kefir susu kedelai dan susu kacang tunggak merupakan produk fermentasi yang dibuat dari inokulasi biji kefir kedalam susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya. Dalam penelitian ini diamati efek dari penambahan biji kefir (konsentrasi 2%, 4%, dan 6% w/v) dan jenis susu nabati sebagai susbstrat fermentasi (susu kedelai, susu kacang tunggak, dan campuran keduanya) terhadap karakteristik mikrobiologi dan evaluasi sensori minuman kefir sehingga didapatkan kombinasi perlakuan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan standar mutu produk kefir. Karakteristik mikrobiologi yang diamati meliputi populasi bakteri asam laktat (BAL) dan populasi khamir (yeast). Sedangkan evaluasi sensori yang diamati antara lain kenampakan, gas yang terbentuk, aroma, tingkat keasaman, kemanisan, viskositas, dan beany flavour yang terbentuk. Perbedaan konsentrasi biji kefir berpengaruh nyata terhadap rerata total BAL dengan rerata tertinggi 7,23 log cfu/mL, sedangkan perbedaan substrat fermentasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap rerata total BAL dan khamir dalam produk kefir.

Soymilk kefir and cowpea milk kefir is a fermented products made from kefir grain inoculation into soymilk, cowpea milk and their mixed. In this research were evaluate the effect of kefir grain concentration (2%, 4%, and 6% w/v) and kinds of vegetables milk as substrate fermentation (soymilk, cowpea milk, and their mixed) to the microbiological characterization and sensory evaluation of kefir to obtain the right treatment combination and in accordance with the quality standards of kefir products. Microbiological characteristics observed include population of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts. Whereas the sensory evaluation observed the form of appearance, bubbles, sourness, sweetness, viscosity and beany flavour. The differences of kefir grain concentration significantly affected the average of total LAB with the highest average is 7.23 log cfu/mL, while the differences of fermentation substrate significantly affected the average of total LAB and yeasts.

Key words: kefir kacang kedelai, kefir kacang tunggak, evaluasi sensori kefir

Heni Adhianata. Program Studi Seni Kuliner. Akademi Kuliner dan Patiseri OTTIMMO Internasional. Jl. Bukit Telaga Golf TC 4, No. 2-3, Citraland, Surabaya. [email protected]