kosentrasi filtrat bunga belimbing wuluh (verrhoa bilimbi L.) dan jenis pemanis yang berbeda terhadap mutu kimia dan organoleptik es krim rendah kalori

kosentrasi filtrat bunga belimbing wuluh (verrhoa bilimbi L.) dan jenis pemanis yang berbeda terhadap mutu kimia dan organoleptik es krim rendah kalori

  • Fandriano A. Ngampong Fandriano laki
  • Arlin Besari Djauhari Universitas Dr. Soetomo
Abstract views: 77 , PDF downloads: 53
Keywords: anthocyanin; star fruit fLower; sweetener



The starfruit fLower is used as a traditionaL medicine to treat coughs, fLu and canker sores in chiLdren. Starfruit fLowers can aLso be used to treat typhoid fever (Mario, 2011). Starfruit fLowers contain anthocyanins (Mardiah et aL, 2019). Ice cream is one type of food that is favored by consumers of aLL ages from chiLdren to aduLts. Ice cream is composed of a mixture of food ingredients such as dairy products, sweeteners, stabiLizers, fLavor enhancers and eggs. The market is known for various types of ice cream with various coLors and deLicious fLavors but does not guarantee food safety for the heaLth of consumers. The nutritionaL content of ice cream that Lacks antioxidants, especiaLLy anthocyanins, is the background for researchers to conduct research on star fruit ice cream. The method used in this research is a quantitative experimentaL Laboratory research method, the research design used is a CompLeteLy Randomized Design (CRD) which is arranged in a factoriaL manner consisting of two factors, where each factor consists of three LeveLs. Factor 1: Concentration of star fruit fLower extract (B) consisting of: B1 (10 mL), B2 (15 mL) and B3 (20 mL). Factor 2: Type of sweetener (P) which consists of 3 LeveLs, nameLy: P1 (sorbitoL), P2 (SucraLose) and P3 (Stevia). and Service SoLutions (SPSS) version 24. The interaction between starfruit fLower extract and different types of sweeteners has a significant effect on the LeveLs of anthocyanins, reducing sugars and soLubLe fiber. Based on the effectiveness test of B2P3 concentration with 15 g of starfruit fLower extract and the type of sweetener stevia was the best treatment with the highest yieLd (NH) vaLue of 1.17 with the research variabLe criteria anthocyanin = 1.71 ppm, reducing sugar = 1.90%, fiber soLubLe = 1.12 SDF%, Taste = 5.13 (rather Like), CoLor = 5.02 (somewhat Like), Aroma = 5.7 (Like), Tenderness = 5.7 (Like).

Author Biography

Arlin Besari Djauhari, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Dosen Teknologi Pangan Universitas Dr. Soetomo
