Dewi Ayu’s Electra Complex as seen in Eka Kurniawan’s Beauty Is A Wound
This study aims to analyze Dewi Ayu’s Electra Complex as Seen in Eka Kurniawan’s Beauty Is A Wound. The objectives of the study are: (1) to find out the proofs of Dewi Ayu’s Electra Complex as Seen in Eka Kurniawan’s Beauty Is A Wound; (2) to find out the causal factors of Dewi Ayu’s Electra Complex as Seen in Eka Kurniawan’s Beauty Is A Wound; and (3) to find out the effects of Dewi Ayu’s Electra Complex on herself and on Ma Gedik as Seen in Eka Kurniawan’s Beauty Is A Wound. The theory used by the thesis writer is the theory of Electra Complex by Freudian theories in psychoanalysis approach and she also applies a qualitative research.
Keywords: Psychoanalysis, Electra complex, Defence Mechanism.
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