Author Guidelines



A. General Author Guidelines


  1. Manuscript should be written in Indonesian or English.
  2. Manuscript may be written in the form of research results, scientific articles, literature studies and comparative research in Japanese culture, language and literature that have not been published.
  3. Size of the manuscript paper should be in A4 and in Microsoft Word program format.
  4. Times New Roman font type should be used for the manuscript description in Indonesian/English and MS Mincho font type should be used for theory quotation and/or data in Japanese.
  5. Font size should be set to 14 pt for Indonesian title, 12 pt for English title, 12 pt for manuscript description, 11 pt for Indonesian and English abstracts, 11 pt for the data and their translations, and 10.5 pt for the title and text description in table/chart/picture.
  6. The line spacing of the manuscript should be 1.5 spacing for descriptions, 1 spacing for abstract, 1 spacing for direct quotation of a theory with more than 3 lines, 1 spacing for Japanese text and roumaji/latin alphabet and text translation, and 1 spacing for the title and text description in table/chart/picture.
  7. Size of margin should be set as 4 cm (top and left) and 3 cm (bottom and right).
  8. Article length should be between 10 to 18 pages including table/chart/picture and references.
  9. Manuscript should be written using 2-columns format.


B. Structure of Manuscript


Article Title


Researcher’s Institution 


Abstract (in Indonesian)

Article Title

Abstract (in English)

A. Introduction (background of the research, research rationale, novelty and/or the difference of the current article, research problem, relevant theories for the objective and significance of the research and the data analysis, research purposes and benefits of research)

B. Research Method (description of research method, data source and the data, data collection technique, data analysis technique)

C. Result and Discussion (data analysis description, can be provided with table/chart/picture)

  1. Conclusion (conclusion of the discussion and suggestion)



C. References Format


References format refers to following provisions.


  1. Book with 1 author.

Djajasudarma, T. Fatimah. 2010. Metode Linguistik. Bandung: Refika Aditama.


  1. Book with Japanese author.

Hashiuchi, Takeshi. 1999. Disukousu Danwa no Orinasu Sekai. Tokyou: Kuroshio Shuppan.


  1. Book with 2 authors or more.

Samadi, Junaidi dan Rachmat Sandira. 2003. Analisis Statistik. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.


  1. Book with more than 3 authors.

Iori, Isao et al. 2000. Shokyuu wo Oshieru Hito no tame no Nihongo Bunpou Hand Book. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha 3A Cooporation.


  1. Book with the same author with different year.

Nitta, Yoshio. 2003. Gendai Nihongo Bunpou 4: Modariti. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan.


------. 2009. Gendai Nihongo Bunpou 7: Danwa, Taiguu Hyougen. Tokyo: Kuroshio Shuppan.


  1. Translated work/book.

Yule, George. 2006. Pragmatik. Terjemahan Indah Fajar Wahyuni dan Rombe Mustajab dari Pragmatics (1996). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.


  1. Article of a journal.

Ariani, Dwi dan Listyaningsih. (2020). Aktualisasi Diri Tokoh Rimuru dalam Manga Tensei Shitara Suraimu dengan Pendekatan Psikologi Humanistik. AYUMI: Jurnal Budaya, Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 7 No. 1, 2020, pp. 16-32. DOI:


Nugroho, Rahadiyan Duwi, Cicilia Tantri Suryawati, Hendri Zuliastutik. (2018). Analisis Kesalahan dalam Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa Jepang dalam Pembelajaran BIPA. Jurnal Pendidikan bahasa dan sastra, Vol. 18 No. 2, 2018, pp. 193-203. DOI: sp.v18i2.15508


  1. Reference from the internet.

Adachi, Chie. 2011. A Sociolinguistic Investigation: Compliments and Compliment Responses among Young Japanese. Melalui, < pdf/280886.pdf> [Diakses pada 29/5/2018.]


Jaelani, Doni. 2017. Wow, Surabaya dan Jakarta Masuk 19 Besar Kota Penggemar Anime di Dunia! Melalui, anime-manga/anime-lain/doni-jaelani/kota-penggemar-anime [Diakses pada 6/7/2020.]