Speaking English Practices in Intercultural Communicative Competence Framework

  • Perwi Darmajanti Politeknik Perkapalan
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The mastery of speaking skill is usually on the top priority of the language learners’ target. Communicative competence has become an essential skill in this 21th century, and English has been a central language for global communication. Communicative language teaching (CLT) which is derived from communicative competence theory has been widely used for years too, but the problems in mastering oral language competency still persists in until today. Currently foreign language learning involves culture to increase communicativeness since language is always used in cultural context. This research studied the use of English by Indonesian learners and the underlying reasons. It studied contexts when English is used in daily life. It was conducted qualitatively to explore driving motives and willingness to communicate. The result also indicated learners’ intercultural communicative competence which potentially influenced language learning.
