Pengenalan Nomor Ruangan Menggunakan Kamera Berbasis OCR Dan Template Matching

  • Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya
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Most important room parameters to easily recognize with provide numbering of room, the number having function as room address. Camera have function to getting room number picture. To recognize of room number used OCR (Optical Characters Recognition) and Template Matching method. The system having purpose to make it easy the room number recognize process using camera. The first process Camera capture result will be identified using OCR system, and cahange image to be ASCII trought several stages, between segmentation, normalisation, feature extraction and recognition process. The image result of OCR, used input as template matching method, this method having several stages between resize, gray, edge canny, histogram, classification, identification image process, and matching with storage image. The result of system tested, getting several parameters should be maximized to increase success rate in room number recognition proccess, between using a standart room number, angle of camera capture is 90o, and luminance 224-230. From setting paramteters, this system can detect and recognize the room number of 93,75% success rate.


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How to Cite
(2019). Pengenalan Nomor Ruangan Menggunakan Kamera Berbasis OCR Dan Template Matching. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 4(1), 27-32.
Volume 4 No. 1 2019