Analisis framing pemberitaan korupsi massal di media online

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Keywords: Framing Anaysis, Image Construction, Online Media, News


This research aims to determine the construction of PDIP's image from the news framing on them as the party who has the most corrupted fraction members in the event of mass coruption case if the People’s Legislative Council (DPRD) of Malang City by the online media, This research is conducted through constructivism paradigm with the sudty of framing analysis by Robert M. Entman as a conceptual foundation with the framing concept of Entman, namely, define problems, diagnose causes, make moral judgement, and treatment recommendation from journalist side; using the theory of the social mass media as a theoretical foundation. The results of the framing carried out by the online media, tend to be neutral in delivering their news on the mass corruption case of the DPRD of Malang City in construction the image of PDIP as the most corrupted party. This is because the media deliver both side cover, even’s journalists already included opinions in the titles and selecting images in the news. Although tends to be neutral, becase just deliver the facts. The bad image construction of PDIP has been constructed already, as the news is considered to be a bad news model.

Author Biography

, Universitas Padjadjaran
Prodi Hubungan Masyarakat


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How to Cite
, , & . (2019). Analisis framing pemberitaan korupsi massal di media online Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 3(2), 253-271.