Keunikan karakteristik radio: Daya tarik bagi khalayak dalam mendengarkan radio

radio, motivation, audience
Radio is an audio medium used to fulfil the needs the audience's need, both for information and entertainment. Radio provides a variety of information content and a choice of music. Amid technological developments, the presence of many choices of media to access news, entertainment, music, and other information has become a challenge for radio broadcasting. Now people have various choices of media to get information and listen to music. This research aimed to look at the choice of media, especially radio, from the audience and find out what makes radio remains the audience's choice for information, entertainment and listening to music compared to other new media, including the reasons and motivations of audiences to listen to the radio. The results showed that audiences tended to prefer radio over other media because radio offered unique things, for example, the element of 'surprise' in selecting songs that give different sensations. In addition, the presence of radio broadcasters is also considered entertaining and can be a companion to the audience, especially when travelling. These results indicate that radio offers a uniqueness that cannot be found in other media, and the audience is free to choose the media based on their motivations, the greatest of which is listening to the radio for music, entertainment, and information.
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Albarran, A. B., Anderson, T., Bejar, L. G., Bussart, A. L., Daggett, E., Gibson, S., Gorman, M., Greer, D., Guo, M., Horst, J. L., Khalaf, T., Lay, J. P., McCracken, M., Mott, B., & Way, H. (2007). "What Happened to our Audience?" Radio and New Technology Uses and Gratifications Among Young Adult Users. Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 92–101.
APJII: Jumlah Pengguna Internet di Indonesia Tembus 171 Juta Jiwa. (2019).
Asy'ari, N. A. S., & Marantika, N. (2020). Evaluasi Penerapan Konvergensi Radio. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 4(1), 203.
Bachdar, S. (2018). Agar Bertahan, Konten Radio Harus Menghibur.
Birsen, O. (2012). Why Do Youth Listen To The Radio? A Study Of Communication Students. Journal Of New World Sciences Academy, 66(February), 117–126.
Cordeiro, P. (2012). Radio becoming r@dio: Convergence, interactivity and broadcasting trends in perspective. Participations, Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, 9(2), 492–510. 9/Issue 2/27 Cordeiro.pdf
Dainton, M., & Zelley, E. D. (2011). Applying Communication Theory for Professional Life. Sage Publications, Inc.
Deliusno. (2016). Ini 8 Layanan “Streaming” Musik di Indonesia.
Koh, E. ., & Owen, W. . (2000). Descriptive research and qualitative : Definition of Descriptive Study. In Introduction to Nutrition and Health Research. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Laura C.S., E. (2012). Kepuasan Pendengar Terhadap Program Sonora News di Radio Sonora Surabaya.
Mazrieva, E. (2017). Kampanye Radio Sukses, Terus Apa?
McClung, S., Pompper, D., & Kinnally, W. (2007). The Functions of Radio for Teens: Where Radio Fits Among Youth Media Choices. Atlantic Journal of Communication, 15(2), 103–119.
McLeish, R. (2005). Radio Production (5th ed.). Focal Press.
Mogambi, H. (2016). Media Preferences and Uses: Radio Listening Habits among Students in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies Issn, 2(4), 2356–5926.
Nassaji, H. (2015). Qualitative and Descriptive Research: Data Type Versus Data Analysis. Language Teaching Research, 19(2), 129–132.
Putera, A. D. (2017). Kesepian, Alasan Terbesar Orang Dengarkan Radio.
Rahayu, E. M. (2019). Generasi Z dan Milenial Masih Suka Mendengarkan Radio.
RG. (2019). Era Digital Tidak Mampu Matikan Industri Radio.
Ritchie, J., & Lewis, J. (2003). Qualitative Research Practice : A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers. Sage Publications.
Survei Nielsen: Masyarakat Indonesia Makin Gemar Internetan. (2017).
Swanson, D. J. (2012). Tuning in and hanging out: A preliminary study of college students” use of podcasts for information, entertainment, and socializing. Social Science Journal, 49(2), 183–190.
Yuniati, U., Kom, S. I., Si, M., Euis, D., Puspitasari, E., & Si, M. (2019). Motif Pendengar Radio Di Era Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi (Studi Kepuasan Penggunaan Media Pada Generasi Z Di Bandung). J-IKA 6(2), 83–90.
How to Cite
, & . (2020). Keunikan karakteristik radio: Daya tarik bagi khalayak dalam mendengarkan radio. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 4(3), 735-748.
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